Betty x Sweet Pea

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Betty POV:

I stood at the alter opposite my very soon to be husband. In about two minutes, to be precise.

Priest: Elizabeth please repeat after me- He started until someone barged in through the doors.
Alice: stop this wedding now. My mother yelled.

Just what I needed on my wedding day.

My mum has been against Sweet Pea since I first met him in high school. She knows I love him but still consistently degrades the man I love.

Betty: leave. I yelled at her.

I didn't invite her to my wedding and I have no idea how she found out that we'd be having it here.

She is ruining my life, as usual.

Alice: you're making a big mistake. She said.
Betty: if marrying the man I love is a mistake, I'm willing to take the risk. I said to her.
Alice: fine, do what you want. And I can't believe you let yourself out of the house looking like that. Such horrible makeup and have you gained a few pounds? She asked.

That was my breaking point, tears welled up in my eyes.

Betty: I'm done. I said.

I ran out of the church and sat out front of the building. I was crying and an overall mess.

Sweet Pea soon came out and gave me a soft look. I instantly bursted into more tears.

Sweet Pea: angel. He whispered as he took a seat next to me.
Betty: everything is ruined. I sobbed into his shoulder.
Sweet Pea: hey, no it's not. I've gotten Tallboy to deal with your mum, she's possibly dead already. He said making me smile.
Sweet Pea: woah, I've really rubbed off on you, maybe she is right. He said making me laugh as I wiped my eyes.
Betty: still love me? I asked him.
Sweet Pea: absolutely. He smiled.

He picked me up and sat me in his lap.

Sweet Pea: holy fuck, how much does that dress weigh? He asked in shock. I let out a chuckle.
Betty: so damn much, I'm honestly glad I could take a seat. I said making us both laugh.
Sweet Pea: you know we could completely forget about this wedding thing and elope. He said. I looked to him like he was crazy.
Betty: we're not eloping. I said.
Sweet Pea: well, I only listen to what my wife says. So we're going back in their and doing this. And in a few years we'll laugh about this day. He said making me smile.

He really does put everything into perspective and makes me feel better about this situation.

Betty: you really are the right man for me. I smiled as I leaned in to place a kiss on his lips.

He pulled away and placed his index finger over my lips.

Sweet Pea: not yet. He whispered.
Betty: you're seriously denying me? I asked.
Sweet Pea: you have two options. One, we fuck right now because this is the most gorgeous you've ever looked. Two, you wait till the end of the day where I get to truly show you how much I love you. He said.
Betty: what if I want both? I asked.
Sweet Pea: Cooper, don't play with me. He warned. I smiled.
Betty: come on, let's do this. I said as I stood up.
Sweet Pea: that's my girl. He smiled as he stood up.


We were now at the reception. Everything had gone well and I am now Elizabeth Connor. I was so happy to be taking his last name, and joining a family which is fuelled with nothing but love.

Gladys: we're so glad to have you as part of our family. Sweet Pea's mum spoke as she kissed my cheek and embraced me in a hug.
Betty: I'm so lucky and honoured to be a part of your family. I said.
Fp: we're proud of you both. He said as he embraced me in a hug.

All this overwhelming amount of love from his parents is something I never received from mine.

I am one lucky girl.

After Sweet Pea and I had talked to everyone here, we soon finally got to take a seat.

Sweet Pea: you do look so beautiful my love. He spoke.
Betty: thank you bubba. You look so handsome. I love when you dress like this. I smiled. He smiled too as he leaned into place a kiss on my lips.

Just like he did earlier, I placed my index finger on his lips.

Sweet Pea: hey no, you can't do that to me. I only did it because you were so fussy about that don't kiss until the priest says bullshit. He said.
Betty: no I wasn't. I said.
Sweet Pea: kiss me if I'm right. He smiled as he made duck lips at me.

Okay fine, he's right. Waiting until the priest says 'you may kiss the bride', it makes the whole day so much more special and magical.

I leaned closer to him and our lips embraced each other's in a quick but love filled kiss.

It started getting later in the evening so I asked Sweet Pea to dance with me. He took my hand and lead me to the dance floor.

The song was slow so I wrapped my arms around Sweet Pea's neck and his arms wrapped around my waist.

Sweet Pea: today has been perfect. He smirked.

My Serpent king, the guy everyone fears, yet me. Little me gets to see his true personality.

Betty: besides my mum drama. I said. He shook his head.
Sweet Pea: wouldn't be a Serpent wedding without someone trying to object. He said making me chuckle.
Betty: how many times has this happened? I laughed.
Sweet Pea: I remember when I was ten and went to Tallboy's wedding, a girl with a gun tried to object. At my parents wedding, my mums ex boyfriend and dads ex girlfriend paired up to try and ruin the wedding. He listed.
Betty: woah. I said in surprise.
Sweet Pea: and all those marriages have worked out well, so you're always going to be mine. He smirked.
Betty: I better be, otherwise I'll have to be the crazy ex. I said making us both laugh.

I hope you liked it <3

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