Betty x Sweet Pea Part 1

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This is an unnecessarily long one shot 😂

Betty POV:

Sweet Pea: Miss Cooper, my office. I heard my boss yell from his office.

I got up from my desk and walked to his office.

I started working for Sweet Pea Connor five years ago now. When I first started he was mean, arrogant and ruthless.

Over time I got to know him and his personality. His personality is definitely something that brought us together, literally.

We're fuck buddies.

I barely even remember how it started.

I noticed the way he looked at me so I went along with it. I would give him flirty looks and bend down extra long in front of him.

One night it was just us working and I made the first move. I walked over to him, I placed my hand on his chest and twirled his tie around my finger.

We both smirked and leaned in. The rest is clearly obvious.

I walked into his office and watched as he tapped his lap.

I smiled and walked over to him, sitting in his lap like he wanted.

He leaned up and connected our lips in a soft but quick kiss.

Sweet Pea: I need you to book two tickets to New York for tomorrow morning. I have a meeting there in 3 days. He said.
Betty: okay, who are you taking with you? I asked.
Sweet Pea: you. He said.
Betty: me? I asked in confusion.

We've never traveled anywhere together, no one even knows that we're a thing. I guess we're not even a thing.

Sweet Pea: I think it would be fun. He said with a smirk.
Betty: well you want us to leave tomorrow morning, that leaves 2 extra days. I said as I raised an eyebrow.
Sweet Pea: I'm sure we'll figure something out.
Betty: mh, I'm going to book the tickets. I said as I tried to stand up. I was stopped as he wrapped his hands around my waist.
Sweet Pea: what's the rush? He asked as he cupped his hand around my breast. I smirked and began placing kisses down his jawline.
Betty: I guess I could stay.

I put all my clothes back on and fixed up my skirt.

Betty: I'll book the tickets now. I said as I ran my hand over my shirt, making it look neat and not like I had just fucked my boss.
Sweet Pea: good, once you're done you can go home. He said and I nodded my head.

I walked back to my office and took a seat.

As I went onto a website specifically for this companies air travel accommodation, I heard my phone go off.

I picked it up off my desk and saw that Jughead was calling me. Jughead is my younger brother, he's 15 whereas I'm 22.

I pressed accept and using my shoulder, I held my phone to my ear.

'Hey Juggie, how is everything?' I asked as I found my way onto the bookings page.

'Uh yeah, it's okay' he said. I knew he was lying.

'What's really going on?' I asked him skeptically as I booked a flight for 6 am tomorrow.

'Mum and dad are arguing a lot, even talking about a divorce'. He said.

At this point I wish they would. Jughead has to go home to this every night. I feel so bad for him.

When he refers to dad, he talks about Hal. Hal is technically our step father though, Fp is our real dad.

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