Betty x Sweet Pea

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Sweet Pea POV:

I was sitting in the Blue and Gold after school. I was waiting for my girlfriend Betty, to arrive.

It's Thursday and she usually spends an hour after school each week working on an article.

She doesn't like to be alone so she wants my company, not that I could complain. There's nothing more in the world I want than to spend every waking second with her.

I heard the door open and a smile formed on my face.

I didn't have any classes with Betty at all today. I just wanted her to cuddle up in my arms as she worked.

As soon as the person walked in through the door, I quickly realized that it wasn't Betty.

It was Jughead Jones.

Betty and Jughead use to date. He treated her terribly and she was smart enough to realize it, well, after a year.

Betty and I had always been friends, but after they broke up we started hanging out more often and we eventually confessed our feelings for one another.

From there we've been in a happy and healthy relationship for the past five months.

We just have one recurring problem, Jughead.

He's still madly in love with my baby girl.

He thinks I'm not worth her time and I'm just Betty's rebound, although Betty and I got together nine months after they had broken up.

He wants to cause trouble in our relationship, but the thing is, Betty and I trust each other. We know each other like the palm of our hands.

Every time he makes an accusation about ourselves to the other, we take it with a grain of salt.

Jughead: you know, Betty is a good fuck. He said. I rolled my eyes.

Betty had told me about her sex life with Jughead. She said he was terrible at sex, was only four inches and lasted no longer then two minutes.

I really felt sorry for her.

Sweet Pea: and what would you know about fucking my girlfriend, the one that you never made cum. I added in.

Betty had also mentioned, in the year that they had been dating, she never had an orgasim.

I really don't know why she stayed so long.

Jughead: the fact that I was fucking her last night, 6:40. He added in.

Betty had left the house for half an hour last night, from 6:30 pm to 7pm. She went to grab us dinner.

There's no way that they had sex, and especially not in that time frame. My Betty appears to be really innocent, but in the bedroom she is kinky as hell. She turns me on more than I ever thought humanly possible.

But hearing him reveal this information made me realize that he's likely to be stalking Betty.

I'll need to warn her of that later, and send some of my Serpents to deal with him.

I'm the Serpents king and I made Betty my queen. Everyone there adores my baby. They treat her like the most precious queen that she is.

As I was about to speak, my sweet angel walked through the door.

When she saw me she smiled, but then she noticed Jughead, a frown instantly forming on her face.

Betty: what's he doing here? She asked as she took a seat next to me.

I picked her up and sat her in my lap, holding her tight.

Sweet Pea: this piece of trash is telling me that you guys fucked last night. I informed Betty, she instantly rolled her eyes.
Jughead: you don't need to lie baby, you can tell him. He said with a smirk.

I'm definitely going to get some of my Serpents to jump him later tonight. If he keeps saying stupid shit like that, I'll kill him myself.

Betty: why would I sleep with you when I have Sweet Pea? He pleases me much more than you ever could. She said sassily.
Sweet Pea: that's my sexy girl. I said making her blush.
Jughead: Betty just break up with him. I can give you so much more than he can. He said and both Betty and I turned to face each other.

At the same time we rolled our eyes, making her giggle.

Sweet Pea: baby, is he bothering you? I asked and she nodded her head.

I gently placed her on my side and stood up. I walked over to him and let all my anger out, like he was my make shift punching bag.

I pushed him up against the wall and punched him in the face and stomach. After a few more punches, he was on the ground, blood pouring out of his nose.

This has been a long time coming. I've played nice and it never got me anywhere, it's time I showed him how a real man should protect his girl.

Sweet Pea: leave my girl alone or I'll kill you in the most painful way imaginable. Now run along. I said sternly.

I watched as he hobbled along. I was so glad that he was gone. I know Betty hates being around him, and I hate him for ever getting with my girl.

I turned around to Betty and gave her a serious look, we needed to discuss this Jughead stalking her situation.

Sweet Pea: we need to have a serious chat. I said.
Betty: why? what did I do? She said with a pout.
Sweet Pea: nothing angel. I said with a chuckle as I sat back down next to her.

She moved herself into my lap and cuddled herself into my muscular chest.

Betty: you smell nice. She said with a giggle. I let out a laugh and tickled her side.
Sweet Pea: but seriously, I'm worried about your safety. I said and she gave me a confused look.
Betty: why? She asked.
Sweet Pea: it's something Jughead said, it sounds like he's stalking you. So from now on I want you with a Serpent at all times. I said.
Betty: can that Serpent be you 100% of the time? She giggled. I smiled.
Sweet Pea: I'd prefer if it was me. I said making her smile.

We sat in a cuddling position for the next five minutes. Silence filling the room.

Sweet Pea: you should probably get started on that article. I said.
Betty: I wanna go home and cuddle. She pouted.
Sweet Pea: are you sure? I asked.
Betty: absolutely. She said as she stood up and pulled me with her.

I looked down at Betty and I truly admired this stunning girl before me.

Betty: stop looking at me like you love me. Ew. She joked.
Sweet Pea: I can't help it, I have the most beautiful girl in the world by my side. I said and she hid her head on my side.
Sweet Pea: you're so adorable pumpkin. I muled out.

If any other Serpent saw me like this they wouldn't believe their ears. Only Betty gets this side of me, no one else.

Follow my Instagram @smexyswetty 🥵

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