Betty x Sweet Pea

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I hope you all enjoy! It's a little shorter then usual but oh well 😂❤️
Requested by swetty_riverdale310

Betty POV:

I woke up in my small trailer with my muscular boyfriends arms wrapped tightly around me.

I looked at him, instantly forming a smile on my face. His face looks so relaxed and his messy hair was covering a bit of his face. He looks so adorable and he's all mine.

I looked at the time and saw that we needed to get ready for school.

I began placing kisses all over his face. He reacted by holding me tighter and groaning at me. I giggle.

Betty: baby come on, we need to get ready. He groaned and shook his head against mine.

A grin grew onto my face as I knew a way I could get him up.

I wiggled myself out of his arms making another loud groan escape his pretty pink lips.

Betty: I guess I'll have to go to school alone, without my boyfriend. Who knows what's going to happen to me. I said as I played a damsel in distress character. I turned around and he did nothing. I rolled my eyes.
Betty: I don't feel like wearing a bra today. I hummed. As I looked into my mirror I saw his whole body flink up.
Betty: knew that would get your attention. I said as I walked up to him, lightly hitting his arm. A smirk grew on his face.

He quickly grabbed onto my arms and pulled me down into his lap.

Sweet Pea: can't we just ditch today gorgeous? He asked as he began placing kisses all over my face and neck.

I embraced his soft and warm kisses for a few minutes until I decided to end it before he moves on from just sweet kisses.

Betty: come on. I said to him. He frowned at me as he rested his head on my shoulder and wrapped his arms around my waist.
Sweet Pea: we can stay home all day and cuddle. He said with a smirk, knowing that it was always really hard for me to resist cuddling.

Cuddling is so sweet and lets me spend heartfelt time with my boyfriend. Anyone that can resist cuddles is a monster, no ifs no buts.

Betty: stop trying to make this hard, get up and we can do whatever you want when we get back home. A smirk grew on his face and I smirked.

Within the next twenty minutes we both got up and changed into new clothes.

We quickly ate breakfast together and we headed out to his bike.

He handed me his helmet and I wrapped my arms around my man.

We arrived at school and began our boring classes that didn't teach me anything I hadn't already learnt.

It was nearly the end of the day and Sweet Pea and I had different classes unfortunately.

I took a seat in class and Malachi decided that was the perfect place for him to sit. All of class he kept flirting with me as I rejected him. He kept calling me gorgeous, stunning, pretty, Princessa, precious and lots of other names that made me cringe as they weren't coming out of Sweet Pea's mouth.

I don't need a Ghoulie in my life when I have Sweet Pea who'll protect me.

The end of day bell finally rung and I practically ran out of class to my locker.

Malachi: you know gorgeous, me and you would make a much better couple then you and that snake. He said with a smirk as he tried moving his hand to my hips.

Before his dirty hand had touched me, Sweet Pea showed up out of no where and pulled me to his side, protecting me. Out of spite of Malachi he rested both his hands on my hips and smirked at Malachi who was rolling his eyes.

Sweet Pea: you think you have the right to touch my girl? He said angrily.
Sweet Pea: she's mine, got it? He growled as he leaned down and smashed his lips onto mine.

He removed his hands from my hips as one hand wrapped around my back and one was squeezing my ass, no doubt Malachi would have a perfect view.

His tongue was down my throat in one of our most heated and lust filled kisses. I felt like my lips were oil and his were water, both fighting with each other.

He soon disconnected our lips and placed a kiss on my forehead. Malachi was looking at us jealously and angrily.

Sweet Pea: see, my girl. Come on baby, lets get you home where we can have some more fun. He said with a wink.

He connected our hands and I intertwined our fingers together.

We arrived at his bike and he looked into my eyes.

Sweet Pea: you okay Princess? He asked worriedly. I nodded my head, making him smile softly in relief.

As he's still looking at me I look up to him with a pout.

Betty: all I want is cuddles and kisses. I say while looking up to him. He smiled and began placing a few soft kisses on my head.
Sweet Pea: I guess we better get back home then. He said with a smile, making me smile in return.

We quickly arrived home where I pushed him onto the couch and jumped into his arms. I couldn't wait any longer.

Sweet Pea: so beautiful. He hummed as he pushed some of my blond hair behind my ear. He smiled and held me in his grasp tighter.

I snuggled my head into his neck as much as I could. He placed kisses as far as he could reach, I had been waiting all day for this and it was definitely worth it.

I felt so safe in his arms.

Sweet Pea: I love you more then anything Princess. He said as I titled my head back so I could look into his soft chocolate brown eyes that I adore.
Betty: you're my everything Sweet Pea, I love you. I said as we connected our lips in one of the many other meaningful kisses we shared that same night.

He's my one and only love.

I literally always write and edit when I'm tired. Why you may ask? Because I'm literally always tired 😂😂 but then again I am editing this at 11:13 pm... so it's probably my fault 😂😂

( decided to post this at little earlier then I usually would but right now I want to try and go to sleep so I don't start crying.. whoops to late 😌
I love you all ❤️ )

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