Betty x Sweet Pea

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I really hope you enjoy this because as I'm writing this little authors note thing it's 11:57 pm and I have school tomorrow!!.

Sweet Pea POV:

I had just had a rough day at work when I arrived home and pulled out a beer from the fridge. I crack it open and layed myself down on the couch.

I'm 18 and live alone, the only way to pay the bills is to get a job which is what I did.

I was way to angry too watch tv or go to sleep so I called my beautiful girlfriend Betty, her voice always calmed me down.

Knowing her, she had just finished up all her homework and was under the blankets watching Netflix.

What I wouldn't give to have her in my arms now.

I picked up my phone and dialed her number which I knew off by heart. Within one ring she answered.

( Sweet Pea and Betty on the phone )

Betty: hey handsome. She said excitedly into the phone.
Sweet Pea: hey beautiful Princess, how was your day? I asked her.
Betty: it was really good. She said with a giggle.
Betty: how was yours? She asked happily.
Sweet Pea: it was rough, but I'm so glad to hear your voice Betty. I said. I knew she was blushing on the other side of the phone.
Betty: aw baby, I'm sorry you had a bad day? Want me to come over and give you cuddles and kisses? She asked cheerfully into the phone.

My heart melted over the fact that she'd come to my house at 11 pm just because she wanted to make me feel better.

Sweet Pea: I'd love that baby but it's late and dark. I can't have my precious girl getting hurt. I said and I heard her let out a giggle.
Betty: well anyway, I have something I really want to show you after school tomorrow. She said excitedly into the phone.
Sweet Pea: and what is that love? I asked with a chuckle.

She's the cutest when she's excited.

Betty: it's a surprise. She said with a gorgeous giggle.
Sweet Pea: mhh, well I can't wait. Anyway Princess, it's extremely late and you need to sleep. I said into the phone.
Betty: okay Pea. She said into the phone with a yawn.
Sweet Pea: good night my beautiful Princess, sleep tight. I said with pure happiness to the girl I love.
Betty: night handsome. I love you so much. She said.

Just as I was about to end the call I heard her say one last thing that sent anger through my body.

Betty: Maxy I want cuddles- Was what I heard as the phone call ended.

( end of call )

I threw my empty beer bottle at the wall.

She's fucking cheating on me? Just as she told me she loves me, she asked some random to fucking cuddle her?! Who the fuck is touching her? Wasn't I good enough?

I stood up and punched my wall, thankfully not leaving a mark on the wall, my hand was a different story though.

I can't believe we've been dating since she was 13 and I was 14, and this is how our relationship ends. Because she got bored of me.

When we first started dating I always knew she was too good for me but I somehow made her happy, I would never take that away from her. I guess she didn't care about mine.

Truth be told, I know we're extremely young but I was planning to propose to her this week. She has made me the happiest I've ever been in my life. Has.

We were even planning on moving her into my trailer. Yes it's small but she said she was happy as long as we were together.

I went to sleep that night which consisted with nightmares waking me up every hour. My nightmares consisted of Betty and a random guy kissing and cuddling.

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