Betty x Sweet Pea

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Betty POV:

I had been hanging out all night at the Wyrm with my best friend, Sweet Pea.

Recently through Toni I found out that Sweet Pea liked me. I began to think about the idea of Sweet Pea and I, it made butterflies fill up in my stomach.

Sweet Pea is a sweet and caring guy, with me at least. I should have known that he liked me since he was always soft around me and only me.

Me and Sweet Pea getting together isn't that weird on an idea. We're extremely close already and we spend a lot of time together.

All night I had been flirting with Sweet Pea but he didn't notice. As we danced I was grinding on him, just trying to get my message across to him. It didn't work.

I was sitting at the bar and Toni came out and got me a can of beer, knowing I needed it.

Toni: how's it going? She asked.

She knows about my plan, trying to get with Sweet Pea.

Betty: terrible. I've been flirting and grinding on him all night, it feels pointless. I say with a sigh.
Sweet Pea: what feels pointless? He asked as he took a seat next to me.

I'm going to take this as another opportunity.

Betty: just some guy I've been flirting with, he hasn't noticed. I say while looking up to Sweet Pea.
Sweet Pea: they don't deserve you. He says as his jealous side kicks in. I smirk and move myself so I'm in his lap.

This has to be the ultimate hint.

Betty: trust me, he does. He's perfect. I say with a smirk.
Sweet Pea: who? He asked.

Oh my god! How can he not know.

Betty: you're an idiot. I say as I smashed my lips onto his.

His lips were soft against mine. The lips I've been waiting to kiss were finally kissing me back. The kiss shocked him a little but he immediately kissed back.

I grabbed onto both sides of his jacket and pulled my lips off of his.

Betty: now do you understand who I like?
Sweet Pea: you like me? He asked confusedly.
Betty: yes Pea. I say with a smile as I place a peck on his lips.
Sweet Pea: how did you find out? He asked.
Betty: as soon as Toni told me. I say with a giggle. He turned to Toni and glares.
Betty: noo, don't be mad. I say while playing with his hair. He turned back to me and smiled.
Betty: I thought I was going to have to seduce you or something to tell you that I like you. Toni laughed while Sweet Pea grew a smirk on his face.
Sweet Pea: I would've liked that. He says while biting his lip.
Toni: I'm going to stop you both right there before you end up fucking on the bar. She says with a hint of disgust.
Sweet Pea: lets go to mine. He whispered seductively.

He took my hand and walked me to his bike. I got on behind him and wrapped my arms over his muscular abs.

As soon as we arrived at his trailer I jumped into his arms and ripped off his jacket.

This was going to be the best night of my life.

A short one ❤️

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