Betty x Sweet Pea

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Betty POV:

I was in a small room, sitting in a make up chair as a sweet lady finished off my hair.

I was getting married today, to my handsome fiancé Sweet Pea.

He has been the most amazing, sweet and caring person to me. I would never wish for anyone but him to have entered my life. He's my one and only true love.

I remember when I first met him, although I was so young and it was the longest time ago.

( Flashback )

A twelve year old Jughead carried me, 6 at the time, down the stair on the side of his body.

Jughead: how are you feeling? He asked softly as he kissed my head.

I had woken up that morning with a high temperature.

Betty: not good Juggie. I said with a pout.

As I said that we heard the doorbell go. He kept me in his arms as he walked to the door.

He opened the door and revealed two people. A boy and a girl.

Toni: oh my god is this your sister? A girl a bit shorter then Jughead said.
Jughead: yeah. He said with a smile as he looked down at me.
Toni: she's so adorable. She said.

I instantly hid my head in Jughead's neck. I could hear as they all let out a soft laugh.

Toni: definitely the cutest Jones. She said making me laugh a little into Jughead's neck.

He looked down to me so now my head was out of his neck.

Jughead: do you think she's right? He asked while raising an eyebrow. I quickly nodded my head and then hid again.

I heard them all let out a laugh.

Toni: not only beautiful, but smart. She said making another giggle escape her lips.
Jughead: glad to know that your favourite Jones is now my younger sister. He said.
Betty: I like her. I said with a smile. The girl gave me a soft smile.
Toni: I'm officially in love with her, I'll be her sister. She said as she took me out of Jughead's arms and held me in her own.
Sweet Pea: gosh, what is going on? He said making them laugh.
Betty: why are you so tall? I asked inquisitively. Sweet Pea let out a laugh.
Toni: I ask myself the same question everyday? She said making us both giggle.

As she finished her sentence I saw dad walk out of his office and up to Jughead's friends.

Fp: if you don't mind, I'm going to take my daughter back. He said with an amused grin.
Toni: fine but I'm hanging out with her later. She said.

Dad and I soon went into his car and we went to the doctors.

As we were in the waiting room I sat in his lap as I rested my head on his chest.

Fp: how are you feeling baby? He asked as he brushed his hand through my hair.
Betty: not good. I said while looking up to him. He gave me a soft look.

I rested my head back on his chest for another five minutes until I looked back up to him. I want to know what Jughead's friends names were.

Betty: daddy? I asked as I looked up to his face.
Fp: yes hun? He asked.
Betty: who were the people Juggie was talking to? I asked. He smiled.
Fp: they're his friends, Sweet Pea and Toni. He said.
Betty: Sweet Pea? Like the vegetable? I asked confusedly making him laugh.
Fp: not the vegetable. He said with a grin. I nodded my head and waited until we got called into the doctors office.

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