Betty x Sweet Pea Part 2

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Toni POV:

Sweet Pea is making a terrible mistake dating this Betty girl. She's distracting and trying to change him. He needs to be the Serpents King, not playing happy family with some girl who doesn't care about him.

It's currently 9pm and I had rounded up some of the Serpents who I knew weren't too keen on going to Riverdale High.

We decided to trash the school. It would be fun and show them that the Serpents are the ones in charge.

At about 9:30 pm we snuck into the school and began spray painting it and smashing a glass case that held all their stupid trophies.

As they were busy making a mess in the halls, I found my way to the principals office.

I began looking through the file cabinet, trying to find anything interesting.

I found a list of all the students names, age and other personal information. I rolled my eyes and dropped the papers, watching the large mess unfold.

I kept digging through the files until I found one that had all the students locker numbers.

I scanned through multiple papers until I found Betty Cooper. I'm going to have some fun with this.

I dropped the papers once again and walked over them until I got out of the room.

I found my way to Betty's locker and took out the can of spray paint from my back pocket.

I took off the lid and shook the can.

I then aimed it at Betty's locker and pressed down at the nozzle, writing the word 'slut' on her locker.

I looked at it with a smirk.

Betty POV:

I walked into school, Midge by my side as we walked through the crowded halls. There were Serpents everywhere, but the school had also been absolutely trashed.

Midge: what the hell. She said in shock as she scanned the hallway.

There was broken glass everywhere and their were parts of school trophies laying all over the floor.

I looked up and saw that there was spray paint all over the ceiling. I also looked at the lockers which had Serpent symbols and other random logos.

Midge and I started heading towards my locker when Archie popped up out of nowhere. He looked stressed and worried.

Archie: lets chill in the student lounge. He said. I looked at my phone and we had one minute until the bell.
Betty: Arch, we don't have time. Classes start in a minute. I chuckled. He gave me a faint smile.
Archie: you know what? Let's ditch today. He said. This isn't like Archie.
Betty: Archie whats going on? I asked. He let out a sigh.
Archie: I can't say, but please, just don't go to your locker. He said. I gave him a confused look.
Betty: why? I asked as I stormed to my locker which was only down the hall.

I arrived at my locker and I saw the word slut written.

I felt tears sting my eyes as I saw Archie and Midge catch up to me.

Archie: Betty I am so sorry. He said.
Betty: who did this? I asked as my eyes didn't leave my locker.
Archie: I don't know but I promise Mr. Honey will find out soon. He said.
Betty: I can't do this, I'm going home. I said as I wiped away a tear that had fallen down my cheek.

As I practically ran out of school, I bumped into Sweet Pea.

The absolute last person I wanted to see, for all I know he was the one who wrote it.

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