Betty x Sweet Pea

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Betty POV:

It had been a long day of school and I just wanted to go home and never go back again.

I get bullied a lot, but I haven't told my brother Jughead yet or my boyfriend Sweet Pea. I don't want them worrying about me.

My best friend Toni knows because she's seen Archie yelling at me before.

He was supposed to be my best friend but once I moved to the South Side, Archie claimed that I betrayed him. So that's why he's been emotionally and physically hurting me.

He only ever pushes me around, he knows what my brother and boyfriend are capable of.

Archie also threatened me, if I tell either of them what Archie does to me. He'd kill me.

I walked into my house which I share with Sweet Pea and my brother. 

Jughead and I's dad unfortunately died during a Ghoulie raid. Those cold hearted bastards killed our dad.

Sweet Pea was abandoned at the age of 15. It only seemed right that we all move in together.

Sweet Pea and Jughead are both a year older then me so they've finished school.

I walked into the lounge and saw my brother and Sweet Pea playing some video game.

Betty: hey guys. I said as I took a seat in between the two.
Jughead: hey Betty. He said as his eyes remained on the tv. 
Sweet Pea: hey baby, how was your day? He asked as his eyes stayed on the tv too.
Betty: it was okay. I said as I shrugged my shoulders. He smiled.

Being with these two most important people in my life always makes me forget about school and what Archie does.

My head was resting on Sweet Pea's lap as he still continued to play video games with my brother.

I was scrolling through my phone on Instagram.

Jughead: do you guys wanna get Pops for dinner? He asked and we all agreed.

We all headed to our rooms, which I share with Sweet Pea, and got changed.

I changed into a pair of sweatpants and a tank top.

Sweet Pea: you're so pretty. He said as he came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist.
Betty: and you're the most handsomest man I've ever seen. I said with a smile as I turned around in his arms and embraced him in a tight hug.

Betty: I love my cuddly bear. I said into his chest.
Sweet Pea: I love my small pumpkin. He said as he kissed my head.

Once we exited the embrace, we walked out of our room with our hands connected.

Jughead saw us and pretended to throw up, making us all laugh.

I can never be sad when I'm with them.

We all got into Jughead's truck and headed to Pops.

I thought tonight was going to be chill and fun with my favorite boys, but of course I was wrong.

As soon as I walked in, I saw Archie. He saw me too and mouthed the word 'slut' at me.

I walked to a booth and made sure my back was towards him.

Sweet Pea sat next to me and I immediately wrapped both my arms around his.

He smiled and kissed my forehead.

Pop soon came over and took our orders.

Sweet Pea and Jughead were now talking about something to do with the Serpents but I wasn't really paying attention. My head rested peacefully on his shoulder as my eyes shifted from my two safe places, Jughead and Sweet Pea.

Dinner was perfect, not that I was surprised, Pops is always amazing.

We soon went home and I was absolutely exhausted by school and dealing with Archie.

Betty: I'm going to bed. I said with a yawn.
Jughead: okay, good night Betts. He said as he wrapped me up in a tight hug which I returned.

I walked over to Sweet Pea and wrapped my arms around his neck.

Betty: come to bed soon? I asked.
Sweet Pea: of course. He said softly as he kissed my head.

I unwrapped my arms from around him and went to our room.

I changed into one of his shirts and crawled into bed, instantly falling asleep.

I woke up the next morning and unfortunately saw that I was alone.

I put on a pair of shorts and walked into the kitchen. My brother and Sweet Pea looked to be in a serious conversation.

When they saw me, they were giving me unimpressed looks.

Jughead: how long has this been going on? He asked me. I gave him a confused look.
Betty: what? I asked him.
Sweet Pea: Archie bullying you. He said angrily.
Betty: what, how do you know about that? I asked him.

He pulled my phone out of his pocket and on the lockscresn was a message from Archie 'you're a worthless slut' it read.

Betty: a few months. I said as I looked down.
Jughead: oh Betts. He said with a sigh as he walked up to me and held me tight.

Betty: sorry for not telling you guys. I said as I felt a tear run down my cheek.

It wasn't my intention to make them mad or disappointed in me.

Jughead: everything is okay, just let me and Sweet Pea handle this. He said as he unwrapped his arms from around me.

Sweet Pea walked up to me and held my hands in his larger and warmer ones.

Sweet Pea: bubba I love you and I don't want you to ever hides things from me again. He said softly. I nodded my head.
Sweet Pea: why don't you get comfortable on the couch and watch a movie while Jughead and I handle some business. He said.

This was basically code word for 'they're going to kill Archie'.

I nodded my head and watched as the boys left.

It had been about an hour since they left and I was sitting on the couch, under my favorite blanket.

I heard the door open and they had the biggest smirks on theirs faces.

Both Jughead and Sweet Pea jumped over the couch and sat next to me. I pulled them closer to me and put the blanket over them both.

Betty: I love you guys so much. I said as I pecked Jughead's cheek and kissed Sweet Pea's lips.
Jughead: Iove you too little sis. He said with a smile.
Sweet Pea: I'll always love you Princess. He said with such a heart warming smile.

For the rest of the day, we spent it on the couch watching any movie that I wanted.

They're my sweet boys.

It started to get late and we were all tired.

Sweet Pea and I both went to bed at the same time.

I was already in his shirt so I just took off my shorts.

When Sweet Pea got into bed, I soon followed and crawled onto his chest.

Sweet Pea: cutie pie. He said making me blush.
Sweet Pea: you're the love of my life. He said as he gently caressed both sides of my face.

He kissed softly all over my chin, lips and basically where ever else he could reach.

Betty: you're the love of my life too.

It's only 10:18 pm Rn but I'm so tired

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