Betty x Malachi x Sweet Pea x Jughead ( her brothers )

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I feel weird posting this because it's under 1000 words 😂

Betty POV:

Betty: boys hurry up! I yelled loudly from the bottom of the stair.

My three older brothers Malachi, Sweet Pea and Jughead were taking forever to get ready for school.

Jughead: we're coming, geez. He said although I knew they weren't anywhere close to coming down.

I waited two more minutes and I had had enough, plus I knew the perfect way to get them down.

Betty: okay fine, I'm going on my own. I said.

As soon as the words left my mouth I heard the sound of their feet rushing down the stairs to get to me.

They're extremely protective of me so in a way I guess I have them wrapped around my finger.

Sweet Pea: so impatient. He muttered as he and the others got their bags.
Betty: we're already running late. I said back.

We finally got out of the house and the boys got on their bikes and I went with Jughead.

We soon all arrived at school just as the bell rang. If I didn't have to wait for them I would be half an hour earlier.

My brothers are all older then me so I fortunately don't have any classes with them. Everything would be chaotic if I did. My brothers would make sure no boy ever looked at me.

Protective doesn't even begin to describe them. They've always cared about me, it's started since I was born.

As class dragged on I thought about my boyfriend, Archie Andrews. He's the most sweetest, kindest and loving guy in my life. Obviously excluding my big brothers, they would kill me if they heard what I was thinking.

The bell soon rang and before I went to hang out with my brothers I wanted to find Archie.

I quickly put my stuff away and headed to Archie's locker.

I walked threw the corridors until I found his locker. What I saw was the last thing I would have ever suspected from him. Him and Veronica, kissing.

I felt as my heart shattered within me and how my body missed a breath.

He's told me that he loves me. Was that all a lie?

Betty: Archie, what the fuck are you doing? I yelled at him as I felt my eyes begin to sting.

He detached himself from Veronica as fast as he could as soon as he heard my voice.

Archie: Betty. He said with regret.
Betty: how could you? I said while walking up to him and slapping him across the face.

I could hear whispers from around me, most of them were just excited to see someone get slapped.

I walked off with dignity and found my brothers. They were in the cafeteria, hanging out with my best friend Toni. We always all hangout together.

I walked up to Toni and she instantly knew something was wrong. She wrapped her arms around me tightly as I began to cry. My brothers immediately noticed that I was crying and swarmed me as they tried to ask me what was wrong.

Toni: okay guys, back off for a second. She said to them. They listened to her and went silent.

Toni: what happened? She asked in a soothing way as she stroked my hair.

I mumbled out a few words that made no sense although Toni managed to make it out.

Sweet Pea: can you translate to us or something? He asked obviously worried about me.
Toni: Archie cheated on her with Veronica Lodge. She said.

I looked up to the boys as they all stormed off to find Archie.

Toni took me outside and calmed me down as she held me in her arms.

Toni: baby he never deserved you. You're way to cute for that ginger bitch. And watch me kill Veronica later. She said making me giggle a little.
Toni: that's my girl. And remember by the time that the boys come back, Archie could literally be dead. She said making us both giggle.

She kept me in her embrace until the boys came back and pulled me out of her arms.

Toni: how badly did you damage him? She asked with a smirk as I was now sitting in Malachi's lap.
Jughead: he's unconscious. He said with a shrug.

After he said that the boys were all fighting with each other over who got to look after me.

Betty: I want Juggie's kisses on my head. Sweets hugs and Malachi's sweet words. I said.

As soon as I said that they each did their respective roles.

Toni looked to me in amazement. I let out a giggle.

Betty: I love my big brothers. I said in a childish voice. The boys smiled.
Toni: I'm jealous of you. She said making me giggle.
Toni: all I ever wanted was one brother that would be somewhat nice. Instead I got an asshole while you have not one, not two, but three caring and protective brothers. What have I done to deserve this? She said making me laugh.

My big brothers are sometimes annoying but they're always there for me when I need them. I love them.

I hope you enjoyed my loves XX

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