Betty x Sweet Pea Part 2

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Sweet Pea POV:

Betty: that you've slept with other teachers. She said. I instantly looked down.

Before I even started thinking about Betty in a non teacher sort of way, I did sleep with a teacher.

Sweet Pea: how did you find out? I whispered.
Betty: not important Sweet Pea. I trusted you and you clearly have none for me. She said as she began walking towards the door. 

I quickly caught up to her and held onto her arms.

Sweet Pea: baby please, I'm sorry. I said desperately.

What the hell have I done?

Betty: no Sweet Pea, you need to man up and stop acting like a child. She said as she walked out.

I- we. What had just happened?

The ways she acted around that guy, I could have sworn she was cheating, not her brother.

I ran my hand through my hair as I used my other one to slam the kitchen bench.

Sweet Pea: fuck! I yelled.

Betty POV:

That bitch.

Who does he think he is to go around accusing me of cheating? I've been nothing but loyal to him in this very complicated relationship.

I love him so much, but how can he just act like that? I thought he trusted me more than that.

I mean after everything I've heard about him, I still gave him a chance.

I only started this teaching job two years ago and when they were giving me my classes, they told me to be aware that there's gang activity going on.

It didn't really scare me but I still had my guard up.

I'm apart of a gang but who's to say that their intentions are the same as ours? My gang is about having a family, only fighting when necessary.

With Sweet Pea's gang, the Threats Gang. I've seen that their motives aren't as friendly.

Even after I found out he slept with another teacher before me, I still trusted him to love me and stay committed in this relationship.

I got into my car and sped off to Pops.

I just wanted to get diner and go home. Jughead would be arriving home in about an hour, he's currently in a meeting. I hope everything is going well for him, unlike my life which is currently crumbling down into tiny pieces.

I quickly got take away and headed home.

I moped around the house until Jughead came home. It made me feel slightly better that he was here, but I didn't want him worrying about me and going into over protective brother mode.

Jughead and I had diner on the couch as we watched a movie that I chose. It reminds me of all the old times.

It started getting late so I headed up to bed while Jughead went into the spare room.

I got myself comfortable in bed and rested my eyes.

I tried going to sleep but I couldn't stop thinking about Sweet Pea.

How? How could he just treat me like that?

I thought he had a lot more respect for me than that.

I spent a lot of my night tossing and turning. Every now and than I felt tears well up in my eyes.

I don't want to live without him.

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