Betty x Sweet Pea

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Betty POV:

I was sat in my boyfriend Sweet Pea's lap as his hands wrapped tightly around my waist.

He was placing the most softest and sweetest kisses along my neck.

I had no idea as to why he was being extra sweet, but I was embracing it all.

Sweet Pea: I love you so much Betty. He whispered against my neck.

I smiled to myself as I connected my hands with his ones that were wrapped around me.

Betty: I love you too handsome, I also love this extra sweet side to you. I giggled as I turned my head around and placed a quick peck on his lips.

He gave me a soft, slightly off smile and picked me up.

He layed me down and layed next to me.

Sweet Pea: I love you so much Betty and all I want is to keep you safe. Without you, I'm nothing. He said as he caresses my chin.

He's starting to act weird.

Betty: is everything okay? You're starting to act off. I asked him.

He wrapped his arm tightly around me and placed a simple kiss against my collarbone.

Sweet Pea: I love you more than anyone else ever could. He said.
Betty: what's going on? I asked.

He looked to me through pained eyes and connected his hand with mine.

Sweet Pea: we need to break up. He said to me and I gave him a confused look.
Betty: what? I asked, not believing that I heard those words leave his mouth.
Sweet Pea: we need to spend time away from each other. He said.
Betty: we can take a break, we don't need to break up. Why are you saying this? I asked as tears began to form in my eyes.
Sweet Pea: Betty I'm sorry. He said.
Betty: but only a few minutes ago you were telling me that you loved me. I said as tears rolled down my face.

I sat up, pulling my hand out of Sweet Pea's.

Betty: why are you doing this to us? I said.
Sweet Pea: angel, this is better for us. He said as he raised his thumb to my cheek and wiped away my tears.

I quickly moved away from him, making my way to the opposite side of the room.

Betty: stop with the nicknames and acting like you care. You clearly don't. I said as I tried heading to the door.

I nearly made it out but he wrapped me up in his arms.

Betty: let go. I said, trying to escape his grip.
Sweet Pea: Betty before you leave, you need to calm down. I want you to stay safe.
Betty: I hate you, let go of me now. I said to him. I saw hurt flash across his face but he let go of me.

I quickly got out of his house and into my car.

I sped to my house and as soon as I got there. I broke down into tears in my car.

I didn't want my neighbours thinking that I was a freak so I found my keys and made my way inside quickly as possible.

I layed on the couch as the whole scenario repeated over and over again in my head.

I don't get how he could say he loves me and then moments later, whilst still using pets names, tell me that we're over.

I hate him, how could he do that to us?

For the past 3 years, we've been in a healthy, loving and respectful relationship.

What is wrong with me?

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