Betty x Sweet Pea x Jughead // sister and brothers relationship ( friendship )

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The title is confusing, I know. But Sweet Pea and Jughead are Betty's older brothers.
This is my sixth Swetty one shot in a row. Think that's gonna stop me? Nope. 😂

Betty POV:

I was sitting at home on my phone as I messaged this guy I was interested in, Reggie. He's a sweet hearted and cute looking guy. We talk all the time at school, although it really isn't easy. My two older brothers hate that I'm talking to guys, they don't want anyone hurting their little sister.

Today he finally asked me out on a date and I couldn't be more excited. I've waited so long for this.

I immediately needed to ask dad if he could distract Sweet Pea and Jughead so I could get ready for this date.

I got on my bike and headed to the Wyrm where I knew dad would be, but I also knew Jughead and Sweet Pea were there.

I snuck into the Wyrm and up into dad's office. I quickly closed the door and locked it straight away.

Fp: any particular reason you're acting weird? He asked while raising an eyebrow.
Betty: actually yes, I need your help with something. I said while taking a seat in his lap.
Fp: what is it Princess? He asked softly.
Betty: I need you too keep Juggie and Sweets distracted for the rest of the night. I said.
Fp: and why may that be? He asked.
Betty: because I have a date. I say with a giggle. He rolled his eyes playfully.
Fp: seriously? Can't you just stay home and spend it with your family or something? He asked with a smirk. I giggle.
Betty: daddy you're sounding like my annoying brothers. I said.
Fp: you know they only do it because they care? He said. I nodded my head.
Fp: well if you want my help I'll try my best. He said making me smile.
Betty: thank you daddy. I said as I placed a kiss on his cheek. He let out a laugh.

I soon said goodbye to dad and sneaked out of the bar.

I raced home and quickly ran up to my room. I looked at the time and saw that I had two hours to get ready.

I put on some of my music and walked into my bathroom so I could take a relaxing bath. I pulled out a pretty blue and pink bath bomb and watched it dissolve and fizzle under the water.

I took off my robe and stepped into the beautiful hot water. I indulge in the purple-ish water as I listen to my music.

I spend about half an hour in the bath until I decided to get out and get ready.

I dried off my body and put on my black robe. I then picked up my phone and opened my door, walking out of the bathroom.

Sweet Pea: hey Betts. He said making me scream. I instantly threw my phone at him out of reflex's.
Sweet Pea: nice to see you too. He said making himself and Jughead snicker.
Betty: what are you two doing here? I asked in shock.

Dad was supposed to keep them busy. Well to be fair I'm surprised he got them away for this long.

Jughead: well baby sis, we were going to do a job for dad but we realized you were home alone so we wanted to check up on you. He said.
Betty: well thanks for the concern but I'm fine. I also want privacy so please leave.
Sweet Pea: privacy? Why would you need that? He asked genuinely confused. Jughead also looked confused.

I live with two lovable idiots.

Betty: well I'm on my period so privacy is necessary. I said making up an excuse.
Sweet Pea: that's a lie. He said.
Betty: and how would you know that? I asked while crossing my arms.
Jughead: you were a bit of a bitch last week. He said. I roll my eyes.

Betty: guys I have a date, please leave. As soon as I said date, they sat up and raised their eyebrows.

Okay that was definitely a big mistake telling them that I'm going on a date.

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