Betty × Sweet Pea

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Another Swetty story cause your girl has a scary obsession with them. Enjoy x

Betty POV:

He looked at me from across the room, his intense stare made a small blush rise to my cheek. Thankfully I already have a natural redness to my face that has never helped me until now.

His dark hair looked so perfect. He looked perfect.

He had a Serpents jacket that instantly made me smirk, he's one of us.

I'm the Serpent Princess, my brother Jughead is the Prince. My dad, Fp, is currently the King. He leads the Serpents, amazingly if I say so myself. My dad is the best dad anyone could ever ask for.

I turned my attention away from him and back to the teacher who was rambling on about something that seemed unimportant.

The bell rang and I joined Jughead and some other Serpents outside. There was a large group of us, majority of the Serpents that attended this North Side High school were here. As I was talking I felt someone's eyes on me, I turned around and saw that same guy looking at me. I had no idea who he was but I needed to find out.

For the rest of the day I was distracted by this guy that wouldn't leave my mind.

His strong body, beautiful tattoo on his neck. His perfectly shaped body. I wanted to call him mine, just one problem, or two actually. I don't know his name and we've never spoken. That shouldn't matter, right?

Jughead and I walked home together, complaining about the day, as we usually do.

We arrived at home and Jughead immediately threw his book bag to the floor, I let out a laugh. I throw my bag onto the couch and walk into the kitchen, where dad was.

Betty: hey daddy. I say while placing a kiss on his cheek.
Fp: hey baby girl, how was school? He asked.
Betty: it was fine. I say with a shrug.

After my brother came and had a conversation with dad, Jughead and I lazed around in the lounge.

Betty: Juggie I need your help figuring out who a Serpent is. I say to Jughead.
Jughead: okay, give me a description. He says.
Betty: he's hot. I say while imagining his dreamy looking eyes looking into mine.
Jughead: uh yeah, I might need a little more then that. He says with a chuckle.
Betty: His Serpents tattoo is on his neck, black hair, he has a curl at the front. I say to him.
Jughead: oh, that's Sweet Pea. I smirk to myself.

Fp: why are you guys talking about Sweet Pea? He asked as he took a seat in the lounge.
Jughead: Betty has a crush on him. He says with a smirk. I roll my eyes as a blush formed on my face.
Fp: you're not having a boyfriend. He warns.
Betty: daddy that's exactly what you said just before I got together with my ex boyfriend. I say with a giggle. He rolls his eyes.
Jughead: yeah dad, you should know she puts out for anyone. He says. I hit him.
Betty: I've only had sex once. I say.
Fp: I really didn't need to know that. He says with a hint of disgust. I'll always be his little girl to him.

Jughead: well anyway, your crush is coming over tonight. He says.

I soon went to my room and thought to myself what should I wear when he comes? This was honestly to stressful and I didn't even know if he's likes me. After all he's only coming here since he's jughead's friend. I let out a sigh.

I walked into the kitchen and pulled out a bottle of water. As I did that I heard the sound of our doorbell going off. Jughead walked up to the door and greeted Sweet Pea with a bro hug.

Sweet Pea saw me and gave me a quick and sneaky smirk, I gave him a smirk back.

They then walked to Jughead's room and by all the yelling they were doing I could tell that they were playing on Jughead's Xbox.

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