Betty x Sweet Pea Part 1

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Betty and Polly ARE NOT related to Jason

Betty POV:

We were all sitting around a table at the Wyrm as we enjoyed our night. Well, I wasn't really enjoying it

Sweet Pea, my boyfriend, has the flu. He's had it for the past three days and he hasn't given me any cuddles or kisses.

I'm the type of person who needs affection and it's killing me that we haven't touched these past days.

He won't even hold my hand.

B: Toni, could you set me up with a guy? My boyfriend doesn't love me. I said.

All my friends laughed, they knew that I was getting really impatient over the fact he won't touch me.

Sweet Pea: baby I love you and you know that. He said with a chuckle.
Betty: than kiss me, hug me, cuddle me, do something. I said.
Sweet Pea: I don't want you sick Betts. He said.
Betty: I swear to god, if you don't cuddle me right this instant, I'll cuddle with your brother. I said making Tyler, Sweet Pea's brother, who was sitting across the table laugh.
Sweet Pea: you wouldn't. He challenged.
Betty: if this Connor won't give me attention, I'll get the other one too. I said as I shrugged my shoulders.
Sweet Pea: you wouldn't. He repeated.

I stood up and took a step towards Tyler when I felt a strong grip on my wrist.

Sweet Pea: lap, now. He warned me. I grinned happily.
Betty: thank you bubba. I said as I sat in his lap.
Sweet Pea: I hate you. He said and I laughed.
Fangs: lover boy. He spoke making everyone at the table laugh, excluding Sweet Pea who was flipping Fangs off.

For the rest of the evening, I sat in his lap as I enjoyed the company of our friends.

We shared many story's, spilled a lot of tea and most importantly, all had a great time in each other's company.

As it started getting late, we all slowly started heading home.

By the end, it was just Sweet Pea, Tyler and I.

Sweet Pea is the Serpents King, he's also three years older then me, I'm 18.

As Sweet Pea locked up the Wyrm and checked to make sure everything was okay, Tyler and I waited in the car.

He sat in the passengers seat as I sat in the back. I rested my head against the window and closed my eyes. I was absolutely exhausted.

Tyler: you seriously going to sleep? He asked.
Betty: yes, now shush. I said making him laugh.

I was woken up by Sweet Pea gently brushing his hand through my hair.

Sweet Pea: we're home bub. He said. I looked around and saw that we were in the car.
Betty: you usually carry me. I mumbled.
Sweet Pea: I'm not getting you sick. He said.
Betty: fine, don't love me. I said as I got up.
Sweet Pea: Betty you've been very dramatic these past few days. Everything okay? He asked.
Betty: what? So I just want to show you my affection and you think I'm being dramatic, fine, fuck you. I said angrily as I got out of the car.

I got inside and closed the door on him.

Tyler: what's happened? He asked.
Betty: your brother being an asshole. I said as I took the beer from out of his hands, taking a swig.

I know I shouldn't have this but I need it.

He took the bottle from back out of my hand and took a swig as we both flopped onto the couch.

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