Betty x Sweet Pea Part 3

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Final part. I had a complete different plan in my head but I didn't want to keep you guys waiting.

Betty POV:

Toni and I walked into the bar. I felt confident and pretty. 

I haven't been dressed up or gone out too a bar other than the Wyrm in a very long time.

Staying loyal to Sweet Pea was hard, not because I carved other men. But because I had no one that loved me the way he did.


I scanned the area and saw a few men by the bar.

Toni: okay here's you're plan of approach. Pick a hot guy, don't waist time and have sex. She said. I let out a chuckle and nodded my head.

I walked over to the the bar and scanned the line of semi desperate men.

There was a blonde haired, muscular bodied man. He took the last sip of his scotch when he noticed me staring at him.

He smirked as he slowly stood up and walked over to me.

The only reason I'm interested in this guy is because he has the same physique as Sweet Pea.

It really messes with you when you love a person so unconditionally that even though they've really hurt you, you still want them.

I was brought back to reality as I felt his hot breath against my neck.

Ethan: should I be a gentleman and buy you a drink? Or should I just get you back to my house as fast as possible? He asked seductively.

He acts like Sweet Pea too.

Betty: I like the second option more. I said.

He smirked as he lead me out of the bar. Toni watched and smirked.

I went in his car so that Toni had a way of getting home. I'd just order an Uber tomorrow.

When we arrived at his house, it was all pure sex and sin from there.

It was great just to let go and have sex with a person who I know would have no strings attached.

We didn't end up falling asleep until 1:25 am.

I was cuddled into his side, slowly falling asleep.

Every since I was 4, I've always had to cuddle something or someone to be able to fall asleep.

It's weird and annoying but there's nothing I can do.

I woke up the next morning at 5:22 am.

I quickly gathered my clothes which had been flung in various directions all over his room.

Once I had found all my clothes I quickly put them on and picked up my purse which had fallen by the door.

I picked up my purse which had my phone, keys and money in it.

I quickly called an Uber and waited 15 minutes for it to arrive.

The ride home was about 30 minutes.

I enjoyed the silence as I began to think about what I want in my future.

I obviously want Sweet Pea, I know I would be completely miserable without him. But there's no way in hell I'm going to get back with him that easily.

I think it might be best if we start off as friends again. I can't go through that heartbreak again.

I soon arrived home and walked inside. What I saw brought all my anger and hurt back.

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