Betty × Sweet Pea

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Betty POV:

I was having a quite night in as my boyfriend decided to hang out with one of his friends, Fangs, at the Wyrm and then later tonight stay at Fangs' house. He obviously asked me if it was okay first, I honestly don't know why he does. I understand that he has friends that want to go out and spend time with him.

I could have gone out with them as well but I just wanted to have a lazy day in, just a me day.

Sweet Pea had been gone for only an hour when I received a text from Fangs. Fangs is also one of my friends.

Fangs: Sweet Pea is already drunk, and he's a sappy drunk. He's talking about how much he loves you.

I let out a laugh after reading his message.

I went back to what I was doing, snuggling up into my blankets as I read a story about love. What can I say, romance is definitely my favorite genre.

As it got later my eyes started to close and my vision became blurry. I finally decide to stop reading and turn off my light.

I fell asleep instantly, thinking about Sweet Pea

Sweet Pea POV:

It was about 11 pm and I was at the Wyrm with Fangs. I had downed 2 beers, a cruiser and 6 shots in total. To say I was completely wasted would be an understatement.

Fangs was also hammered. We had reached the point where we could barely stand. We moved to the back of the bar and took a seat in the booths.

Sweet Pea: dudddde. I say.
Fangs: yeahh? He asked.
Sweet Pea: do you know how hot Betty is? I say with a smile.
Fangs: I know dude. He says.
Sweet Pea: did you just agreeee with me that my girlfriendd is hottt. I slurred out.
Fangs: I'm gay you idiottt, I'm not coming for your girl brooooo. He says.
Sweet Pea: I love her so much.
Fangs: I know. He says.
Sweet Pea: I'm so glad we bought an apartment together. I say while resting my head on the back of the booth.
Fangs: I know.
Sweet Pea: I can't wait to marry her one day.
Fangs: I know.
Sweet Pea: I'm the luckiest person to have her in my life. She brings so much happiness into my life. Her beauty is enough to make me feel weak at my knees. Not to mention how cute she acts when she's trying to get her way. She's so adorable. She the most perfect girl in the world. No one can compare to my baby girl. I say drunkly but proudly.
Fangs: I know dude, you told me this the last time you were drunk.
Sweet Pea: I wish she was here, I miss the way she smiles and sits in my lap. I miss my baby girl.

After about another two hours of me confessing my love for Betty to Fangs we ordered an Uber and made our way to his house. When we arrived I crashed into a blow up mattress and he fell onto his bed.

Sweet Pea: I want to sleep with Betty.
Fangs: to bad. He says.
Sweet Pea: I want to cuddle with her.
Fangs: go to sleep. He groans.
Sweet Pea: I want to cuddle her. He sighs
Sweet Pea: I want to cuddle her. He groans
Sweet Pea: I want to cuddle her. He growls
Sweet Pea: I want to cuddle her. He huffs
Sweet Pea: I want to cuddle her. He chucks a pillow at me.

Betty POV:

I woke up at 3:27 am to my phone going off. I let out a groan and pick up my phone. I check the caller id and it was Fangs. What could he want at this time?

( Betty and Fangs on the phone )

Betty: Fangs it's three thirty in the morning, what could you possibly want? I groan into the phone.
Fangs: mhh, what could I want? I want you to pick up your boyfriend. He says angrily.
Betty: why? I mumbled into the phone.
Fangs: because for the past two hours all he's been saying is he wants to cuddle you.

As he said that, I could hear Sweet Pea in the background, trying to tell Fangs that he wanted to cuddle me. If I wasn't so tired I would laugh.

Betty: fine, I'm coming now.
Fangs: thank fuck. He says.

( end of call )

I let out a groan. I can't believe I need to get him.

I stay in my shirt that I've taken from Sweet Pea and a pair of my shorts. I walk to my car and make the short drive to Fangs' trailer.

I arrive and walked into his house. I walked into Fangs' room, right in the middle as Sweet Pea is saying how much he wants to cuddle me.

Betty: we're going home so you can cuddle me. He instantly formed the biggest smile and jumped up.

I take his hand in mine and lead him into the car.

We arrive home and as I unlocked the door Sweet Pea picked me up and carried me up to our room. With out saying a word he places me on our bed and then went on his side. He wrapped the blankets around both of us and pulled me into the tightest cuddle he could, not enough to hurt me though.

Sweet Pea: I've wanted to cuddle with you all night. He says while placing kisses on my head.
Betty: well you should have came home and asked, instead of annoying Fangs and waking me up. I say.
Sweet Pea: I'm sorry baby. He says and the kisses stopped. I pout.
Betty: it's okay you cutie, but you have to keep kissing me. I say.

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Sweet Pea is drunk and all he wants to do is cuddle Betty.
A short one for you all ❤️

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