Betty x Fp

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Also another highly requested ship. Enjoy x

Betty POV:

It was around 5:30 pm as my mum Alice Jones prepared dinner in the kitchen for my step father and I.

My mother and Fp have been together since before I can remember. He's been in my life, supporting me and treating me like I'm his real daughter.

I was sitting on the couch as Fp had his arms wrapped around my waist.

Fp and I have always been really close, he's my daddy and I'm his baby girl.

He let me join the Serpents, although he wasn't too happy about me showing other men my body like that. But daddy protects me. He's the best. But there's one small problem, I really really like Fp.

He's so hot, caring, protective and he's always been there for me.

About two weeks ago now, both Fp and I were drunk. We ended up sleeping together. It was the best night of my life and he enjoyed it too. But of course he said that we can't do it again and that mum could never know this happened.

I really want him. Really really bad.

Betty: daddy? I asked as I looked up into his eyes.
Fp: mh baby girl? He asked as he turned to face me, love in his eyes.
Betty: I miss you. I said. He smiled.
Fp: baby what do you mean? He asked.

I took his hand in mine and intertwined our fingers.

Betty: I miss us, from the other night. I want you Fp. I said as I pouted.
Fp: Betty, we need to leave that in the past. You know if your mum ever finds out, she'll make sure I never see you again, do you want that? He asked and I quickly shook my head.
Betty: I love you daddy. I said as I looked into his eyes.
Fp: daddy loves you too, so be my good baby girl. He said and I nodded my head, not wanting to upset him.

Soon dinner was ready and I sat opposite Fp as we all made conversation.

As they were having a conversation between themselves I went on my phone since I heard a buzz.

I went onto instagram and saw that there was a party at Reggie's tonight and everyone is invited. Maybe that's what I needed to do to get my lust for Fp out of my system. 

Betty: Mum, can I please go to a party tonight? I asked with a smile. She smiled in return.
Alice: of course hunny, just remember your curfew. She said and I nodded my head.

Mum and Fp went back to their conversation although I noticed the angry glances Fp kept giving me.

Had I made daddy mad?

After dinner I helped mum clean the dishes, then I went to my room and began looking through my closet to try and find a dress.

After a few minutes of searching, I found a blue dress.

I put it on my bed and just as I was about to take off my shirt, Fp walked in.

Betty: hey daddy. I said with a smile.

Just like at dinner, he gave me an angry look.

Betty: did I do something wrong daddy? I asked.
Fp: you're not going to that party. He stated.
Betty: why? I asked disappointedly.
Fp: because I don't want you hanging around boys with there only intentions being sex. He said.
Betty: at least they will have sex with me. I let slip from my mouth.
Fp: Princess. He sighed.
Fp: you don't understand how hard this situation is. He said.
Betty: but I want you. I love you more than she does. I said as tears welled up in my eyes.

I want Fp, I want him so much more. I have much more love to give him then my mother.

Fp walked up to me and embraced me in a hug.

Fp: don't cry hunny. He said softly as he held me tight and rubbed my back.

He moved us to my bed and continued to hold me tight.

Fp: look, if you stay home tonight, I'll spend the night with you. We can do whatever you want, but please don't go to that party. He said. I nodded my head.
Betty: okay daddy, I won't go. I said and he kissed my head.

We stayed in a comfortable silence for a few minutes until mum walked into my room.

Alice: what's going on? She asked.
Fp: she said she isn't feeling too well so she isn't going out. He said and mum nodded her head.

I'm glad Fp is a better liar then me, or maybe I should be concerned.

Alice: aw poor darling. She said softly as she kissed my head.
Alice: I think it's best you stay up here and get some rest. She said and I nodded my head.

She walked out with a soft smile and I looked up to Fp.

Betty: I love you. I said happily.
Fp: I love you too baby girl.

Fp and I layed under the covers together as he let me, for now, place kisses all over his face.

When we for sure knew that mum was asleep, he turned to me.

Fp: we can do whatever you want baby girl. He said making me smile.

I sat up and so did he. I threw my leg over him so now that I was straddling his lap. His hands went to my hips as he held onto them gently.

I leaned in and connected our lips in a kiss I've been waiting two weeks for. It's perfect.

His hands slowly ran down my body as they stopped at my ass, squeezing at it gently. A moan escaped my lips making Fp smirk.

I could feel as his boner grew against my clothed core.

Betty: I need you inside of me now daddy. I said as I began grinding my ass on his dick.
Fp: patience my love, we have time. Let me show you how much I love you.

( time skip )

I layed on his chest as we both tried to catch our breaths.

Betty: that was amazing. I said happily as my hand drew patterns on his chest.
Fp: yeah, it was. He said as he kissed my shoulder.

We stayed in my bed and cuddled for the rest of the night until we fell asleep in each other's arms. 

I felt so loved and safe when I was with him and in his arms.

Hope you enjoyed x

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