Betty × Jughead

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Betty POV:

I woke up on a beautiful Saturday morning feeling annoyed. There was nothing particularly bad that had happened, I was just in one of those moods where you're angry but you have no reason to be.

I rolled onto my side and reached for my phone. I immediately saw a message from Jughead. I open it up and began to reply.

( Jughead and Betty's messages )

Good morning baby, how are you? ❤️

I'm fine, hbu?

I'm good, do you want to hang out today? 💕

I don't know 🤷🏻‍♀️

Hey, are you okay?

I'm fine 🙄

Betts? What's up?

I've told you, nothings wrong, now give it a break Jughead.

( end of messages )

As soon as I had sent my last message I turned off my phone.

I stumbled my way to the kitchen where I saw my brother eating, like a pig. I make some breakfast for myself and sit opposite him. He continued to chew with his mouth open and speak with his mouth full of food.

Betty: oh my god can you fucking close your mouth. I yell at him.
Sweet Pea: geez, what's your problem? He asked. I roll my eyes and took another spoonful of my cereal.

He took another bite of his toast and once again, he chewed with his mouth open.

Betty: you know what? I hope you choke. I say while stomping up to my room.

I let out a loud sigh. I don't know why that's bothering me, it's never bothered me in the past.

I heard a knock on my door and looked up to it. It was Sweet Pea. He leaned against my door frame.

Sweet Pea: are you okay? He asked.
Betty: yeah. I say with a sigh. He walks closer to me and sits next to me, wrapping an arm over my shoulders. I rest my head on his shoulder.
Sweet Pea: what's up? He questioned.
Betty: I don't know. I feel angry for no reason. I say with a sigh. He laughs.
Betty: you're annoying. I say to him.
Sweet Pea: but I'm your big brother who loves you, it's my job to me annoying. He says with a soft smile. I roll my eyes.

We talked a little more until I heard the doorbell ring.

Jughead POV:

I had woken up and my first thought was about Betty. I texted her knowing in an hour or so I should get a reply back. It's about 10 am and she usually gets up at 11 am.

I make myself breakfast slowly while I wait for Betty to respond.

About 49 minutes after I had finished breakfast she messaged me. We had a small conversation and she was bit rude. Something must be up.

Betty is the most beautiful and sweet girl I know. I have no idea why she's acting like this. Have I done something wrong?

I decided to head to the shops and pick up all the candy she loves. At lest if she kicks me out she can binge eat her favorite candy.

I pay for all the different candy's and I drive to her house.

After about a ten minute drive I pull up to her house, candy in hand. I ring the doorbell and stand patiently as I wait for someone to answer.

The door swings open, revealing a messy haired and pj wearing girl. My girlfriend looked so adorable.

Betty: how come you're here? She asked softly.
Jughead: you seemed off when we were messaging so I decided to come and bring you your favorite candy. I say. She forms a small smile and hugs me tight.

Jughead: Princess, what's wrong? I asked.
Betty: I don't know, I just woke up feeling angry. She says with a sigh.
Jughead: it's okay baby, we all have those days. She leans out of the embrace and smiles.
Betty: thank you for being the best boyfriend. I love you. She says while placing a kiss on my lips.
Jughead: I love you too. Now come on, let's go upstairs and eat those lollies while we watch a movie, how does that sound? I asked. She smiled.
Betty: only if I can choose what we watch. She says with puppy eyes.
Jughead: how could I resist that face? I say while placing a kiss on her forehead.

Sweet Pea: how can I resist throwing up? Please, take this to her room. He says.

Dating my best friends sister was always bound to have some floors, and this is one of them.

I take her hand in mine and we turn on Netflix. As I had promised she picked the movie and we had ate the candy together. Half way through the movie I noticed how much happier she looked then how I saw her this morning.

Betty: Juggie? She says.
Jughead: mh Princess. I say.
Betty: thanks for being so amazing today, I love you. She says.

Please make sure to check out my other books if you haven't yet!
I finally decided to write another one shot.
I decided to write this because this was how I was feeling when I wrote this.
I hope you enjoy some Bughead content

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