Betty x Sweet Pea

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It's a short one. Remember to vote and comment. Alsoooo a new chapter of Am I Even Living will be coming out tonight!!
Requested by: swetty_riverdale310

Betty POV:

Fangs was currently sitting in Sweet Pea and I's apartment as I cuddled him in my arms. He and Kevin had just broke up.

Fangs is taking the break up really hard becau- se of the way they broke up. Fangs walked in on Kevin doing it with another guy.

Betty: oh my poor baby. I said as I sat in his lap and used my hand resting on his back to gently rub it.

I slowly got his sobs to die down, meaning that he was starting to feel a tiny bit better.

As we sat in silence, the door to my apartment opened, revealing Sweet Pea. He saw Fangs and I cuddling and I could see anger rise up onto his face.

Sweet Pea: what the hell is going on? He asked angrily.
Betty: Sweet Pea calm down, nothings going on. I said back calmly.

Sweet Pea is a very jealous and possessive type, which sometimes can get the better of him. But I love my baby, flaws and all.

Betty: Fangs stay here tonight, get some rest. He was about to fight back with me but I raised an eyebrow. He knew not to fight back.

He got up and walked to the spare room.

I walked up to Sweet Pea and hit his arm, not to hard though.

Sweet Pea: what was that for? He asked as he rubbed his arm where I hit him.
Betty: stop being a baby, you know what didn't hurt. I said.
Betty: your best friend has just broken up with his boyfriend, Kevin cheated on him. And I know that it looks really suspicious when you walked in. But I was only comforting him. I said and he just stared at me.
Betty: trust me? I asked.
Sweet Pea: of course. He said as he wrapped me into his arms.
Betty: thank you. I said.
Sweet Pea: next time just call me and I'll cuddle him or something. He said making me laugh.
Betty: oh I love you. I said as I kissed his lips.
Sweet Pea: I love you too. He said.

It was still early and Sweet Pea had just came home from work.

Betty: dinner is in the microwave. I said to him and he nodded his head.
Sweet Pea: thank you. He said.

I sat with him as he ate dinner and he told me about his day.

After he finished dinner we cuddled on the couch until we were both tired.

He carried my half asleep body to bed and changed me out of my clothes and into the shirt he was wearing.

He changed into a pair of sweatpants and tucked me in under the covers.

As soon as he came under the covers, my body clung to his like a magnet.

Betty: night handsome. I whispered into thin air.
Sweet Pea: night Princess. He said as he placed small kisses on my head.

I'm honestly never not writing

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