Betty x Sweet Pea Part 1

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Betty POV:

I was woken up to the sound of my alarm going off. I let out a groan as I rolled over and hit the sleep button.

I got up and changed out of my pj's and into some actual clothes.

I quickly fixed up my hair and walked down stairs and into the kitchen.

Jane: good morning darling. She said as she placed a plate of toast in front of me.

My life is crazy to say the least. Jane and Fp Connor are Sweet Pea's parents but I've lived with them since I was 7.

My biological mother and father are Alice and Hal Cooper. When I reached the age of four they began abusing me. I didn't understand what was going on but every time they hit me, they told me not to tell anyone. I did as they said, until Jane saw a large bruise along my arm.

I met Sweet Pea when I started kindergarten. We instantly became friends.

When I was 7, I was spending the night at his house and once I had taken my jacket off, Jane looked at me in shock. She asked me what had happened and I told her, I thought what they did was normal by this point.

After I had told her everything, she instantly went to the police and had my parents arrested. I had to speak to a child support network about how long the abuse had been going on and if I felt comfortable living with the Connor's family. What kid wouldn't want to live with their best friend?

Within the span of a few hours, I had completely moved out of my old house and into Sweet Pea's.

Neither Sweet Pea or I understood the seriousness of the situation, but we were more than happy knowing that we'd get to live with each other. I remember the first night I stayed there, we stayed up all night, well until 2 am. That's when we got caught by Fp and he told us to go to sleep.

Anyway, back to now. I'm in a safe and happy environment with two adults who really care for me. They're the best people to have ever entered my life.

Betty: morning. I smiled to both Fp and Jane.

Fp gave me a smile before he went back to reading the newspaper.

As I was half way through breakfast, Sweet Pea soon joined us. He was in a pair of sweatpants and no shirt.

Jane: morning honey. She said as she placed his breakfast next to me on the table.

Sweet Pea mumbled a good morning to the three of us and we all ate our breakfast and talked.

Jane asked us what classes we had today and other usual questions.

Sweet Pea soon got ready and we headed off to school on his bike.

We arrived at school and headed into the student lounge. We were the first ones to arrive so we talked and laughed as we waited for the rest of our friend group to arrive.

Sweet Pea and I, amongst all our friends are apart of the Serpents.

I remember when I did my initiation, probably not one of my fondest moments, but I entered a whole new world. It was a second family. Both Fp and Jane ran the gang, so it made sense for me to join.

I remember finishing my dance and Sweet Pea instantly wrapped me up in his jacket, telling me that he didn't want anyone seeing me like this.

Our friends soon arrived and we all began chatting until the bell rang.

I had class with all my friends, Toni, Joaquin, Sweet Pea, Fangs and ever since Joaquin started dating Kevin, Kevin has entered our friend group. He's a sweet North Sider.

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