Betty x Sweet Pea

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Also, it's my birthday today 👉👈🥺

Betty POV:

Betty: bubba sit. I said to my golden retriever.

Buddy, his name, sat instantly at my command.

Betty: you're so good baby boy. I said as I threw him a piece of ham.

He caught it in his mouth and practically swallowed it whole.

Ella: she use to call me bubba. My daughter said.
Sweet Pea: she use to call me baby boy. He sighed.
Betty: not my fault that you two went behind my back and brought home my little baby boy. He's such a cute angel who deserves all my love. I said as I patted his head.

Buddy is definitely spoiled.

Ella: I thought he was going to love me, not you. She said.

About a year ago I warned the two of them, they are not allowed to get a dog under any circumstances, and of course they didn't listen.

As soon as they brought that dog home, it instantly ran into my lap and licked my face.

My heart has belonged to him since that moment.

Every night Buddy sleeps beside my side of the bed, and if Sweet Pea is being extra nice, he'll let Buddy sleep at the end of our bed.

Sweet Pea and Ella always say that I love Buddy more than them.

Betty: I can't help that the dog loves me. I smiled as I made four plates of dinner.

I'm not one of those people who let the dog eat at the table, that's just a bit too far.

But later tonight, Sam, Ella's boyfriend will be coming over and spending the night.

He's coming straight from work and I have no doubt that he'd be hungry.

He's a great kid.

I placed the three of our plates on the table and took a seat next to Sweet Pea.

As the three of us ate and engaged in small conversation, Buddy did his usual routine.

He'd whine at me for about five minutes and then circle the table, seeing if anyone else will give him some scarps.

The left overs usually go to him which I know he loves. I think he's my biggest fan.

We soon all finished up dinner and Buddy was eating the scraps from our dinner out of his bowl.

Ella headed to her room to finish off her homework and Sweet Pea offered to clean up.

I headed into the lounge and turned on the tv. There was some comedy show on so I decided to watch it.

Once Buddy had finished the left overs, I heard his feet running along the vinyl floors in my direction.

He jumped onto the couch and settled himself down next to me. He rested his head on my leg and closed his eyes.

Betty: I love you bubba. I whispered to my sweet angel.

He opened his eyes and licked my leg.

Somehow over the past months, he's taught himself to lick me after I say 'I love you' to him. It's like his own little way of saying 'I love you too mama'.

My sweet little man rested peacefully and soon after, Sweet Pea joined me.

He sat closely to me on the other side of Buddy, and pulled me into his side, still keeping my baby comfortable.

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