Betty x Sweet Pea

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Betty POV:

Betty: you're not leaving and that's end of story. I yelled at my husband.

I'm pregnant, real pregnant.

In three days, that is when our baby girl is supposed to be due. And if Sweet Pea thinks it's okay to go run off on some Serpent task, he has another thing coming.

Sweet Pea: Betty you're not listening to me, I have too. He said frustratedly.

We've been fighting all morning.

He should know that I need him a lot right now, leaving me and our unborn daughter is such a stupid idea.

Betty: no Sweet Pea, you're not listening to me. Our daughter is coming in three days. I need you now. I said.
Sweet Pea: exactly, three days. We have time. He said back.
Betty: what if she comes earlier? I said as I crossed my arms.
Sweet Pea: she won't. I rolled my eyes.
Betty: fine, do whatever you want. Miss your daughters birth. I yelled at him as I stormed into our room.

I locked the door and took a seat on our bed. The whole time we were arguing, I could feel her kicking me.

She doesn't like that her mummy and daddy are fighting.

I rested my hand on my bare stomach and rubbed it gently.

Betty: it's okay baby girl. I whispered.

Right now is such a critical time in my pregnancy. I shouldn't be stressed out and he shouldn't be leaving me.

I layed down on our bed, just trying to get comfortable and relaxed.

Philippa is what we're going to name our daughter, and she needs to be calm.

I had been in our room for about an hour when I heard my phone go off.

(Sweet Pea's message to Betty)

I'll be back tomorrow afternoon baby. I love you.

(end of message)

That selfish bitch.

I can't believe he actually left me and our baby. I'm going to kill him when he comes back tomorrow.

I let out a loud groan, making Philippa kick me.

Betty: stop kicking mummy. I said with a smile.

I stood up and manoeuvred my huge stomach into the lounge.

I threw a blanket over me as I turned on Netflix. I put on a show I had started binge watching the past couple days, Yummy Mummies. It's so far about four mums, during pregnancy and how they are once their babies are born.

I let that run as I made myself completely comfortable.


It was later in the evening and I had just gotten the pizza that I had ordered.

I'm currently at our apartment above the bar. We have a house which we do spend majority of our time at though.

We're here just for his convenience at the moment.

I was eating my second slice when I felt a almost like wet patch on my chair.

I dropped the pizza to the box and stood up, the chair was wet and so was my pants.

Oh no, my water just broke.

As I made that realisation, I felt a contraction hit me.

I instantly gripped my hand around my stomach. Oh fuck that hurts.

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