Betty x Reggie

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Betty POV:

I'm the River Vixens captain and Reggie Mantle is the captain of the Bulldogs.

Reggie is my best friend, we have been since we started kindergarten. Since then, we've been absolutely inseparable.

Everyone always tells us that Reggie and I should be a thing, but we always laugh it off.

I do like Reggie though, and I know for a fact that he isn't interested in me.

He only sees me as a best friend and sister. Which yes it hurts, but it's not his fault he doesn't like me in that way.

I just need to learn to get over it, which is harder than you'd think.

Reggie and I are really close. I've seen him in just his boxers multiple times and he's all chill about it. He's also walked in on me in just my bra and panties, he didn't make a big deal out of it so I internally freaked out while I tried to act normal in front of him.

I was sitting in class when I was brought out of my thoughts by the bell.

I packed up my stuff and headed to my where my locker was. I saw Reggie waiting for me.

He looked handsome as usual, with his Bulldogs jacket wrapping around his muscular figure.

Reggie: hey Betts. He said with a smile.
Betty: hey Reg. I said as I put all my stuff away.

Reggie: how was class? He asked as we walked to the cafeteria.
Betty: it was okay, but really boring. I said making us both laugh.
Reggie: boring because I wasn't there? He asked with a smirk.
Betty: Nope, I actually enjoy my classes when you're not there. I said with a grin. He stopped dead in his tracks.

Reggie: apologize. He said.
Betty: no. I said with a smirk.
Reggie: okay. He said with a grin.

My smirk dropped as I knew what he was going to do to me, tickles.

I hate tickles with all my life and Reggie uses that against me.

I began running down the corridor and out into the grassed area.

Betty: Reggie please stop. I yelled out as I continued running.
Reggie: Nope. He yelled as I ran out to where the Bulldogs were hanging out.

I ran behind Archie, making him protect me.

Betty: Arch please help, he's being a psychopath. I cried out.
Reggie: me? Never? I'm amazing.
Archie: as if. He said making me and himself chuckle.
Reggie: all my friends are mean. He said.
Betty: hey. I said with a pout.
Reggie: fine, everyone but Betty. I smiled and walked over to him, giving him a hug.

He chuckled as he wrapped his arms around me.

We soon ate lunch as the Vixens and Bulldogs all hung outside together.

I went to my remaining classes which I had with Reggie.

Reggie: hey, can you come to mine today? I need your help with something. He asked.
Betty: and what do you need help with? I asked him.
Reggie: well I have a date tonight and since you have a better fashion sense than me, I need your help. He said.

It's not the first time he's asked me to help him get ready yet it still hurts.

Betty: of course. I said with a smile. He smiled in return as we both turned our attention back to the lesson.

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