Betty x Sweet Pea

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Betty POV:

I was walking down the corridor to my English class when I heard someone call my name.

I turned around and saw Sweet Pea following after me.

Sweet Pea is the best football player, he's captain of his team.

Sweet Pea: hey Betty. He smiled as he scratched his head.
Betty: hey Sweet Pea. I smiled back, wondering why he was speaking to me.

He's one of the popular kids, where on the other hand I'm not.

Sweet Pea: I just wanted to say, I think you're really beautiful and wonder if you'd like to go on a date tonight? He asked with a sweet smile.

I was taken back by what he had just asked me.

I mean I've always found him to be handsome, but I never ever expected him to know who I am, let alone ask me out on a date.

Betty: yeah, I'd love too. I smiled, trying to stay calm.
Sweet Pea: great, Pops at 6? He asked and I nodded my head.
Sweet Pea: see you later Cooper. He winked as he walked off.

How did that just happen?

I rushed off to English and saw Veronica sitting in our usual seats.

I sat next to her and squealed.

Veronica: what's going on? She asked excitedly, obviously seeing the smile on my face.
Betty: someone very handsome just asked me out. I said with the biggest smile, her jaw dropped.
Veronica: spill B! She squealed.
Betty: Sweet Pea. Her jaw dropped once again.
Veronica: oh my god Betty! I mean am I surprised? You're literally the hottest girl in this school. She said making me blush.
Betty: stop. I said as I drank some water.
Veronica: I'm allowed to hype up my bestie as much as I want, thank you. She said as the teacher walked into class.

For the rest of the lesson, we weren't able to speak but we both had smiles glued to our faces.

The day had ended and I arrived home, Ethan, my best friends brother greeting me as I walked in.

My brother and his girlfriend are currently on a gap year, traveling the world. Ethan was invited but declined, so that he wouldn't third wheel them the whole time.

Anyway, Ethan lives with with my brother and I. I've known Ethan since I was 4 and he's became a brother figure to me.

Betty: hey E. I said as I flopped onto the couch next to him.
Ethan: why are you so happy? He said as he raised an eyebrow.
Betty: I have a date tonight. I squealed.
Ethan: do I need to go all protecto mode on you, like where does he live? How old is he? How did you meet? What's his parents name? What's his mother's middle name? How much money does he have and would he willingly donate some to me? He said making me burst into laughter.
Betty: as much as I love your interest, I need to get ready. I laughed as I stood up and walked up to my room.

I applied a very minimal amount of make up on, just mascara and lip stick as I walked into my bathroom and plugged in my straightener.

As it heated up, I sectioned off my hair.

I began straightening my hair, it took about half an hour and I was finally done with hair and make up.

Now time to pick what I was wearing.

I sat at the end of my bed looking through my wardrobe for at least half an hour, scanning through every possible outfit choice.

I finally made the decision of a white tank top and black skirt.

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