Betty x Sweet Pea

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Because every damn person in the world wanted me to do a part 2 on one of my posts and I didn't want too. And this is how you get a one shot lol.
Trigger warning

Betty POV:

I was sitting on my boyfriends lap and talking with our friends Toni and Fangs.

As we were talking about one of our teachers who was being an asshole, I saw Cheryl approach us.

Cheryl is my cousin, sadly. She's nothing more than a rude, greedy bitch.

Cheryl: Veronica and I are hosting a party at mine tonight. I can assure you'll all be there. And no isn't an answer. She said.

These are the two absolute last people in the world that I would ever want to spend any of my time near.

Sweet Pea: absolutely. He said

Is he trying to be an asshole on purpose? Is this his way of asking for a breakup? He knows I hate her.

Cheryl: good, make sure to dress nice, not like your normal homeless selves. Ciao losers. She said. Fangs and Toni rolled their eyes as I looked to Sweet Pea with a glare.

Sweet Pea: don't look at me like that. He said like he was innocent.
Betty: are you stupid? I groaned.
Fangs: yes, his mum dropped him as a child. He said.
Betty: that does genuinely explain a lot. I said and the two of them nodded their heads.
Sweet Pea: for a person who says she loves me, you sure don't show it. He sighed out.
Betty: well if you didn't accept her invitation, I might be able to love you. I said.
Sweet Pea: you study way to much Betty, you need a break. Let lose and have fun with us. He said.
Betty: break? A break is us going out on a date or something, anything else than a Cheryl blossom and Veronica Lodge party. I said.
Sweet Pea: just this once baby. I promise we'll never do it again if you don't want to. He said. I let out a sigh.
Betty: this is the definition of my love for you. I said.
Sweet Pea: so you'll come? He smiled excitedly. I nodded my head.

He held me tight and kissed all over my face.

Toni: aw. She said making me chuckle.
Toni: You know I genuinely didn't think he was capable of love until you guys met. She said, Sweet Pea rolled his eyes while I smirked.


I stood in Toni's trailer as she let me borrow one of her dresses.

Toni: you excited for tonight? She smiled as she picked out a dress for me.
Betty: not at all. I'm only doing this for Sweet Pea. I said.

We talked for a little longer until I changed into a dress I most likely would never ever choose for myself. Toni said that I'd look great in it and that I'd drive Sweet Pea crazy, good.

I slipped on the matte black dress which stopped mid thigh. It had the thinnest spaghetti straps that laid over my shoulders.

I walked out of the bathroom and Toni whistled at me. I rolled my eyes playfully.

Betty: I look stupid. I said.

This dress is really out of my comfort zone.

Toni: you look beautiful Betts, if you were a lesbian I would so fuck you. She said.

Toni and I have been friends since we were about ten. We lost contact due to us going to different high schools, but her school was closed down earlier this year so she moved to mine.

Our friendship grew stronger than ever and she was the person who introduced me to Sweet Pea. Which I honestly don't even know if I should be grateful for.

As much as I joke, I truly do love my baby angel. He's so soft and sweet and rough and hot. He's brought me out of my shell and made me feel more comfortable with myself.

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