Betty x Sweet Pea

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I HAVENT DONE THEM IN SO LONG I DONT KNOW WHO I AM ANYMORE. ( ps. I would really appreciate it if you all read my book 'Am I Even Living!?' ( it's Swetty so check it out ) please vote and comment on it ) xx
Requested by: bughead_swetty25

Betty POV:

I sat in my apartment as I ate take out with my roommate. This is the first time in awhile that we've had the chance to hang out together.

Sweet Pea Connor and I have been best friends since I met him in kindergarten. I was the shy kid who the loud kid wanted to be friends with.

We're both in different relationships and it's been hard to find time to spend it with each other. So we enjoyed this time together by doing what we always did on a Friday nights when we were younger.

Order take out and watch a movie that I choose no matter how much Sweet Pea complained. I love our system.

We were about half way through the movie when I heard the sound of my phone buzz, indicating someone had messaged me.

My phone was in the kitchen charging. I looked to Sweet Pea and gave him puppy eyes.

Sweet Pea: sometimes I feel like I'm your slave. He said as he got up and got me my phone.
Betty: only sometimes? I asked with a smirk.
Sweet Pea: you're so funny. He said as he handed me my phone.
Betty: thank you. I said with a smile.
Sweet Pea: yeah yeah. He said as he took a seat back on the couch and I rested my feet in his lap.

I looked to Sweet Pea for a brief moment with pure admiration.

I love him, but I know all I am to him is a friend. It hurts knowing that, but I need to move on with my life and let him be happy, he deserves it.

I looked at my phone and saw that I had a message from Dan, asking if I wanted to chill at his house.

Dan is an amazing guy, boyfriend, but he's not right for me.

He has so much love to give me which I can't return.

I sent him a message back, agreeing and telling him that I needed to have an important conversation with him.

Betty: hey, I'm heading out to Dan's. I said.
Sweet Pea: seriously, you're going to ditch your best friend? He asked while raising an eyebrow.
Betty: I'm going to be quick, I promise. I said. He raised an eyebrow.
Sweet Pea: Betty, do you understand the definition of quick? He questioned. I rolled my eyes playfully.
Betty: I'm going to break up with Dan. I said quietly.
Sweet Pea: what? He asked softly.
Sweet Pea: I thought you two were working out? Has he hurt you, I'll kill him. He said angrily. I walked over to him and rested my hand on his shoulder.
Betty: he hasn't hurt me Pea, it's just I don't love him anymore. I said and he nodded his head.
Sweet Pea: you know, I've kinda been feeling that way about Vania. He said in regards to his girlfriend.

Sweet Pea is a really important person to me, and since dating other people, we've changed. We've changed so that we made our significant others more comfortable.

Before we started dating people, he would cuddle with me, hug me, call me pet names, amongst other things. I need that back right now.

Betty: before we speak any longer, can we go back to our normal selves? I asked.
Sweet Pea: please do. He said.

I moved myself into his lap and he wrapped his arms around me.

Sweet Pea: this feels better. He said softly. I nodded my head agreeingly.
Betty: I need to break up with Dan because I love you. I said as I prepared myself for him to unwrap his arms from around me.

Instead, his arms only got tighter.

Sweet Pea: I need to break up with Vania because I love you. He said and I looked him in the eyes.
Betty: are you serious? I questioned.
Sweet Pea: of course, I've always loved you. He said.

We both looked into each other's eyes, then leaning in and resting our foreheads against one another.

Betty: not yet. I said to him and he nodded his head.

Although we both plan on breaking up with our significant others, I don't want to cheat and hurt them.

Betty: I'll break up with Dan and you break up with Vania. I said.

We both arrived back home from breaking up with our now ex partners.

Sweet Pea picked me up and took me to his room, taking off my skirt and shirt. He took off his shirt and placed it on me. It felt so nice having his clothes on.

We layed in bed together as we shared multiple small kisses. I felt so happy being in his arms.

Sweet Pea: beautiful Princess, it's always been you that I've loved. He said as he pushed some of my hair behind my ear.
Betty: Sweet Pea, it's always been you too. You're the love of my life baby. I said.

We spent the rest of every day and every night completely worshipping each other and making each other happy.

He's been my best friend and now he's my boyfriend and best friend. There's nothing more I could ask for in life

I did this in an hour so I hope it's okay xx

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