Betty x Malachi // sibling friendship

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Betty POV:

Sweet Pea and I had just had the most beautiful picnic date.

He set up a little tent outside of his house and decorated it with fairy lights, pillows and blankets.

He's been nothing but a romantic these past two months that we've been together.

We were now sitting in the lounge, cuddling, watching a romantic movie that I got to choose.

Sweet Pea: want a drink bubs? He asked.
Betty: yes please. I said and he nodded his head.

As he walked into the kitchen, I realized that I hadn't told my brother Malachi, that I'd be staying here the night.

My phone was dead, probably because I spammed my phone with pictures of him and I throughout our date.

Betty: Pea? Do you mind if I borrow your phone to message Kai? My phones dead. I called out.
Sweet Pea: sure. He said.

I picked up his phone off the coffee table and pressed in his password.

I opened up messages and typed Malachi's name into the search bar. It was pretty easy to find since they were good friends.

(Betty's message to Malachi)

Hey Kai Kai, I'm spending the night at Sweet Pea's tonight. I love you 💕
- Betts

(end of messages)

I sent the message and pushed the arrow to get out of my message with Malachi.

I was about to turn off his phone when something caught my eye.

I saw Veronica's name in his messages. The last message between them was sent at 10:26 am.

Veronica is my best friend, she has been since we were four and in kindergarten.

She was the loud kid who approached a very shy me on the first day of school.

I looked back to the message and saw the preview, it read 'you should just drop her Sweet Pea, we...'. It began but the preview ended.

I couldn't leave it there. I tapped into the messages and read though their recent messages.

What I read made my heart race and my eyes well up with tears.

Sweet Pea and Veronica had sex. In one of his last messages he said that it was a mistake and that he loved me.

He cheated on me, with my best friend.

How could they do that to me?

Sweet Pea: you okay? He asked as he placed our drinks on the table.
Betty: you. I said sternly as I stood up in front of him.
Sweet Pea: what? He asked confusedly.
Betty: you cheated on me. I said as a tear ran down my cheek.
Sweet Pea: h-how did you find out? He asked with so much sorrow in his voice.
Betty: I saw your messages with Veronica. How could you? I asked him.
Sweet Pea: Betty, it was the biggest mistake. He said as he tried to hold my hands. I moved away.
Betty: don't touch me. I yelled at him, my voice being shaky.
Betty: answer my question. I said.
Sweet Pea: I don't know, I just had a bad day and I was blowing off some steam at the Wyrm. She was there for some reason and we ended up in my house. He muffled the last part.
Betty: never speak to me again. I warned him.

The bed I had been sleeping in was the same bed he fucked her in.

I walked out of his house and to my car.

Sweet Pea: Betty wait, stop. Let me apologize. He said as he held onto my arm.
Betty: were you ever going to tell me? I asked with my car door half open.

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