Betty x Sweet Pea

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I really hope you enjoy this. It's a real nice one
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Betty POV:

I was sitting in the dentists office as Sweet Pea layed back in a chair. He was getting prepped to have his wisdom teeth removed.

Sweet Pea: what if I say some stupid because of the gas? He said worriedly.

It was just Sweet Pea and I in the room at the moment.

Betty: baby you're going to be fine. I laughed as I kissed his forehead.
Sweet Pea: okay, I'm going to put everything out in the open right now. I've kissed a guy once, smoked weed, done quite a lot of illegal things, nearly killed a few people and I think you got a nice ass. He said. I let out a chuckle.

He acts like I don't know all the illegal shit he's done.

Betty: okay, do you feel better now? I laughed.
Sweet Pea: hold on, you have nothing to say about me kissing a guy? He asked.
Betty: why would I care? Not like I haven't kissed a girl before. His jaw dropped.
Sweet Pea: really? I nodded my head.
Sweet Pea: was it hot though? He smirked. I rolled my eyes.
Betty: you horny bitch. I said as I hit his shoulder.
Sweet Pea: but seriously, can you promise me that no matter what I say, we won't get a divorce? He asked worriedly.

I took a seat beside him and held his hands in mine.

Sweet Pea: I know you think I'm overreacting but I don't want to say something that might make you think less of me. He said.
Betty: honey, I know a lot more than you think. Not to mention, you're always honest with me. I know you're not hiding anything. But if it makes you feel better, I promise. I said making him smile.
Sweet Pea: thank you Betty. He said as he embraced me in a tight hug.

We stayed there for a while before we could hear the doctors foot steps coming down the hall.

Doctor: we'll be starting now. This should roughly take between 15 minutes to half an hour.

They began giving Sweet Pea the laughing gas and I held his hand in mine the whole time.

He's such a sweet man, worrying if he'll say something stupid to jeopardise our marriage.

We've been together since high school and we're now 25.

I know him a lot better than he thinks. And truthfully, he always has been really honest with me. I trust him.


The surgery had gone well and we were now in the car.

I was driving as our hands stayed connected over the middle console.

We had stopped at a red light when I saw Sweet Pea facing me, he was giving me a pout.

Betty: what's wrong bubba? I asked him.
Sweet Pea: I wanna cuddle. He said.
Betty: when we get home I promise we can. I smiled.
Sweet Pea: but I want to now. He sighed.
Betty: I know but I can't drive and cuddle. I promise when we get home we can go to bed and cuddle all night. I smiled and he smiled too.
Sweet Pea: well can we snuggle now? He asked seriously, making me laugh.

How can I not love him?

Betty: that's the same thing as cuddling. I laughed.
Sweet Pea: don't laugh at me, that's mean. He pouted once again.
Betty: I'm sorry baby, forgive me? I asked as I placed a quick kiss on his lips and began driving again.
Sweet Pea: yeah. He blushed, looking away from me.
Betty: you're so cute. I said in a baby voice.
Sweet Pea: baby stop. He said as he looked down.

We soon arrived home and I helped him get into bed.

I was tucking him in when he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me onto his chest. I let out a giggle.

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