Betty x Fp

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Request by: ryrgrace43
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Betty POV:

I was looking through my closet as I tried to find a dress for Fp's 50th birthday party later tonight.

I stared at a few options, trying to find the perfect one to catch Fp's attention.

Yes, he's 50 and I'm 18 but he's so handsome.

I've known him ever since I was four, that's when I first became friends with Jughead Jones.

Jughead or 'Juggie' as I like to call him, is my best friend. We do everything together, even solve crimes or go to parties together that Veronica and Archie drag us too.

He's always been the guy I could rant to and trust completely. I'm so glad to have a friend like him.

I had finally picked out a dress that was pretty revealing but that's what I was going for.

Go big or go home. I thought to myself.

I put on the black dress that covered but lifted my boobs. The dress also showed my tanned stomach.

I walked to my mirror and did a little twirl

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I walked to my mirror and did a little twirl. I liked how I looked so I walked into my bathroom and began putting my hair into two cute space buns.

Just as I finished spraying some perfume I heard a knock on the door.

I picked up my phone and bag as I walked downstairs and opened the door.

Jughead was wearing a blue pair of jeans and a nice white, long sleeved shirt that extenuated his muscles that started to develop since he joined the Serpents.

Betty: Juggie you look so handsome. I said with a smile as I embraced him in a hug. He smiled and walked me to his car.
Jughead: you look quite stunning yourself. He said with a sweet smile.

We got into his car and we played music from my phone as I sung horribly to it.

Jughead: gosh Betts, you get worse every time you sing. He said as he tried to hold back a laugh. I gently hit him.
Betty: you're so rude. I'm probably as good as Billie Eilish. I said as I smirked. His jaw dropped.
Jughead: don't disrespect her like that. He said with a grin.
Betty: you're so mean Juggie. I said as I crossed my arms.
Jughead: oh and don't you love it. He said with a wink.

I know it may seem like we flirt a lot but this is just our sense of humour.

We arrived at the hall that Fp's party was being held in and walked inside. We spotted Fp and Gladys and walked over to them.

We were now standing in front of them and I saw the way Fp looked me up and down, biting his lip. Our eyes met and I gave him a smirk.

Jughead: happy birthday dad. He said with a smile as Jughead embraced his dad in a sweet hug.
Betty: happy birthday Fp. I said with a smile as I embraced him in a hug and placed a less then innocent kiss on his cheek.
Fp: thank you darling. He said with a mischievous grin.

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