Betty x Sweet Pea

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Trigger warning loves, read with caution x

Sweet Pea POV:

Sweet Pea: I'm so bored. I groaned as I sat with my friends Toni, Jughead and Fangs.

We were at the Wyrm by the pool table. We were drinking and taking bets on who would win each round.

Toni: how can you be bored when you have a gang to run? She asked as she rolled her eyes.

I'm king of the Serpents.

Sweet Pea: there's nothing to do as king right now. I just want to be with her. I groaned.
Jughead: then go be with her. He said like it was that easy.

Betty, my beautiful girl is studying for her exams.

She has them all week and she told me that we can't hang out for the rest of the week. I just want to cuddle her.

Sweet Pea: because she has exams all week and she's studying every night. I groaned.

That's the one down side of being with a North Sider, they care about their education too much.

Fangs: studying? He said skeptically.
Toni: studying other guys anatomy. She said. I rolled my eyes at her remark.
Sweet Pea: Betty isn't like that. I said.
Jughead: North Siders shouldn't be trusted and the fact that you're even dating one is shocking. He said.
Fangs: he's always had bad taste in women. He said.
Sweet Pea: you know nothing about Betty so I suggest you back off. I love her, a lot more than I care about you guys. I said.
Fangs: we can already see how much she's changed you. He said and the others nodded their heads.
Sweet Pea: I'm done with this bullshit. Put yourselves back in line before I kick you out of my gang. I said sternly as I stood up.
Toni: what would your reason for kicking us out be? We didn't like your North Sider girlfriend-
Sweet Pea: she has a name. I said.
Toni: you're a joke Sweet Pea, far from the Serpent King. She said.

If I didn't leave now I'd probably end up punching her.

I walked out of the Wyrm and got onto my bike.

I headed home and instantly flopped onto the couch next to my older brother Joaquin.

He had the option to be king but that's not what he wanted.

Joaquin: what's up with you? He asked. I let out a sigh.
Sweet Pea: stupid friends giving me shit for dating a North Sider. I told him.
Joaquin: North Siders are good people Sweets. He said.
Sweet Pea: I know, but they don't believe that and it's getting on my nerves. I said.
Joaquin: find better friends. He said.
Sweet Pea: yeah, like that's so easy. I said making him laugh.

We ended up playing video games for a few hours before we called it a night.

Toni POV:

For a Serpent king he really is stupid.

He should know that North Siders are bad people. They only care about themselves.

And I mean, what is there to even like about Betty? She's a stuck up North Sider who always gets her way.

Toni: you know, I really do think she's cheating on him. I said.
Fangs: one hundred percent. He said agreeingly.
Jughead: I say we track her phone and follow her. He said making me smirk.
Toni: good idea, and I have her phone number because he texted her from my phone once. I said making us all smirk.

I quickly pulled up her number and we headed to the IT area.

We got them to quickly locate where she was and send her address to me.

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