Betty x Sweet Pea

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Betty POV:

Sweet Pea and I were walking home from school, hand and hand.

We were having random, light hearted conversations as I enjoyed his company.

We soon arrived at my house and I saw my younger brother, Grayson who is 7, sitting on the couch watching some cartoons.

Betty: hey Gray. I said with a smile.
Grayson: hi Betty, hey Sweet Pea. He said as he turned to face us both.
Sweet Pea: hey bud. He said with a smile.

It's always so cute seeing them two interact. They get along so well.

Betty: do you know where dad is? I asked and he nodded his head.
Grayson: he's in the garage. He said. I nodded my head as Sweet Pea took a seat next to Grayson.

I watched as Grayson stood up and got two game controls and passed one to Sweet Pea. I let out a chuckle as I put my bag against the wall and walked out to the garage.

I saw my dad working on his bike, I'm guessing that he was tightening up the breaks a little.

Betty: Hey dad. I said softly. He turned to me and smiled.
Fp: hey darling, how was your day? He asked as I kissed his cheek.
Betty: it was good.

We began having a small conversation as every now and then we could hear either Sweet Pea or Grayson yelling at the tv. I'm probably right to assume that one of them lost.

Dad and I soon moved into the kitchen as he began making us dinner.

Fp: is Sweet Pea staying tonight? He asked and I nodded my head.

Sweet Pea stays at my house most nights. He doesn't have a family to go home to like I do. That's why I always encourage him to stay over. My family is his family.

It makes me really upset knowing that he has no one. I would have no idea how to survive on my mine. I also love my brother and dad way to much.

Sweet Pea does spend most nights at my house, but there are still days were we both decide its best for him to stay at his trailer.

We want to have a healthy and balanced relationship. In order for that to happen, we need to make sure we're not smothering each other.

The nights he stays at his trailer, we face time each other for as long as we can.

I love him so much and I want the best for him and our relationship.

Dinner was soon ready and I sat next to Sweet Pea as my dad and brother sat opposite us.

Just like any younger kid, Grayson loves to talk. So for majority of dinner, he told us random stories and talked about his day.

After dinner, Grayson did homework while dad helped him and Sweet Pea and I were up in my room.

We were watching a movie on my computer as we cuddled in bed.

I was wrapped into his chest and my head was snuggling into his neck.

Every now and than I felt his feather like kisses against the middle of my head.

He's the definition of soft love.

He always likes to spoil me with flowers or jewellery. He also likes to spoil me with physical affection.

He likes to give me cuddles and kisses. He of course loves having sex, but we're not often alone so our sex life isn't that great at the moment.

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