Betty × Sweet Pea Part 3

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It's very long!

Betty POV:

I immediately looked away and walked to the door.

Lucas: what are you doing? He asked.
Betty: I'm going, anywhere but here. I say.
Lucas: let me come with you. He says desperately.

I turn around and saw all the pain on his face that he was trying to hide from me.

Betty: darling he's your father, you need to be here with him. I say to him. He shakes his head.
Lucas: no I'm coming with you. He says.
Betty: Lucas... I sigh.
Lucas: I'm not taking no for an answer mum. Don't leave me here with him, he's a cheating asshole. You deserve better. He says while embracing me in a hug.
Betty: come on, let's go.

We drove around for a little while until I stopped at a Starbucks. I needed to think what my next move is.

Lucas: what are you going to do? He asked. I looked up to him.
Betty: I honestly don't know. I say truthfully. Sweet Pea has put me in a hard situation.
Lucas: are you going to leave dad? He asked sadly.
Betty: it's not that easy. I say to him.
Lucas: because you love him? He asked.
Betty: that and also the fact that I'm pregnant. I say as tears left my eyes. I didn't even make an attempt to wipe them or hide them.
Lucas: what? You're pregnant? He asked.
Betty: yep, I was going to tell you both over dinner tonight. I say with a laugh.
Betty: I thought it would be a nice surprise, so much for that. I mutter.
Lucas: mum I'm so sorry. He says while embracing me in a comforting hug.

We stayed in a calming silence for about two hours until I got a message from Sweet Pea, asking how far we were. I replied saying that we were coming home now.

We got into the car and made our way home.

We walked through the door and he placed a kiss on my head. I wanted to punch him.

Betty: what did you do while we were gone? I asked with a smile. I wanted to see if he'd lie to me.
Sweet Pea: nothing really. He says while shrugging his shoulders.

This asshole.

Lucas left out a scoff. I think he might be more angry then I am. Over the years I've formed a really close relationship with him.

Sweet Pea: what's wrong Lucas? He asked.
Lucas: you, you're lying to her you asshole. He yells at his dad.
Betty: Luke don't. I warn him.
Lucas: no mum, how can you just let him get away with this, he fucking cheated on you.

Sweet Pea's face went completely pale.

Sweet Pea: we need to talk. He says to me
Sweet Pea: can you go to your room? He asked Lucas.

Lucas stood there with an angry expression and his arms crossed. He didn't budge.

Betty: hunny. I say to him, showing him that I was fine to be alone.

I know Lucas is extremely worried about me and the baby. So am I.

Lucas nodded his head and walked to his room.

Betty: thanks for lying to me. I yell at him angrily.
Sweet Pea: at least I wasn't fucking spying on you. He yells accusingly at me.
Betty: spying! I came back to our house. I walked into our fucking room and saw you kissing another girl, god knows what else you did with her. Does our marriage mean nothing to you Sweet Pea?! I yelled at the top of my lungs.
Sweet Pea: for fucks sake Betty stop acting like a Princess. Of course our marriage means something to me. He yells.
Betty: well fucking cheating on me and trying to lie to me really doesn't show that you give a shit about us does it? I yell.
Sweet Pea: stop making everything out to be my fault. He yelled.
Betty: what the fuck have I done wrong? I yell sternly at him.
Sweet Pea: maybe if you were fucking home for once. He growls. I laugh.
Betty: oh so me not being home makes you cheat? You really said that. You know what, I'm only not at home when I have work and when I'm doing shit with your son because you're always at work. You don't ever fucking notice us you asshole. This is all your fucking fault not mine. I yell at him.

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