Betty x Sweet Pea x Fangs

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Betty POV:

I got a call from Fangs at 3 am, telling me that Sweet Pea, my boyfriend was in hospital.

Sweet Pea had somehow broke his leg.

I arrived at the hospital and instantly rushed to the room number Fangs had told me.

I walked in and saw Sweet Pea flicking through the tv channels. Typical.

Betty: baby what happened? I asked as I rushed to him.
Sweet Pea: bubs calm down, I'm fine. He chuckled as I connected our hands and kissed his forehead.
Sweet Pea: I was trying to catch Fangs' stupid bird which had gotten out of its cage. I stood on a chair and when I went to catch it, I lost balance and fell. He said as he shrugged his shoulders.
Fangs: my bird is not stupid. He knows how to say fuck off. He said making me chuckle.
Betty: yeah, I like his bird. I smirked.
Sweet Pea: only a second ago you were worried about me, now you care about his annoying bird? He smirked.
Fangs: call my bird annoying one more time and I'll break your other leg. He threatened.

I laughed at this pointless fake argument that they were having.

Betty: when can you get discharged? I asked Sweet Pea.
Sweet Pea: in an hour or so. They just need to put a cast on my leg. He said and I nodded my head.
Sweet Pea: come lay and cuddle. He said to me.
Fangs: that's what we use to do. He sighed dramatically.
Betty: you're always welcome to join us. I smirked.

I moved onto the bed with Sweet Pea and let him pull me as close to him as he liked. I didn't want to hurt my sweet angel.

There's something I've been meaning to speak to Sweet Pea about, Fangs.

Fangs is always extremely flirty with not only me, but Sweet Pea too.

I also know my boyfriend and know that he's interested in Fangs. To be fair, so am I.

Sweet Pea and Fangs have been best friends since they were born and ever since I started dating him, Fangs had been nothing but nice to me.

Later tonight I really want to talk to Sweet Pea, it's about time.

Sweet Pea had just finished getting his cast put on and we were waiting in his room for the discharge papers.

Betty: I've been thinking, and I think Fangs should live with us for a while. I said.
Sweet Pea: why? He asked.
Betty: well if something happens to you, I wouldn't exactly be able to do much. I said.
Fangs: you're right, leaving someone who is only 5 foot 5 alone with a giant isn't smart. He smirked.
Betty: I'm 5 foot 5 and a half. I argued making the boys laugh.
Sweet Pea: I'm okay with it, if you want too. He said to Fangs.
Fangs: one condition, my birds comes with me. He said.
Betty: perfect. I smiled as the nurse walked in and handed him some papers.

Sweet Pea signed them and in no time we were out of hospital.

Sweet Pea got into the car with me as Fangs went in his.

Betty: bubs can we talk? I asked as we exited the parking lot.
Sweet Pea: what's up? He asked.
Betty: I know you like Fangs. I said. He instantly looked at me with so much guilt.
Sweet Pea: Betty I am so sorry, I promise I wouldn't do anything to hurt you or even anything with him- He started but I cut him off.
Betty: I'm not judging you Sweet Pea, I like him too. I said.
Sweet Pea: really? I nodded my head, a smile forming on his face.
Betty: I also know that he really likes us. I said.
Betty: so while he's staying with us, we should talk to him, initiate a relationship. I said.
Sweet Pea: you would be okay with the three of us dating? He asked.
Betty: as long as I get all the attention I usually crave, sure. I said.
Sweet Pea: I seriously love you so much. He said. I smiled.

We got home and Fangs helped Sweet Pea into our bed.

I got Fangs settled into the spare room and then I went to bed with Sweet Pea. It's nearly five in the morning, we all need rest.


I woke up the next day at 1:26 pm.

I walked into the kitchen and made myself a cup of tea and some toast.

As I was pouring the hot water into my cup, I heard foot steps coming from down the hall. I turned around and saw Fangs.

He greeted me with a smile.

Fangs: morning. He said.
Betty: good morning, can I make you something to eat? I asked.
Fangs: Betts sit, I can do it.
Betty: it's fine. I smiled.
Fangs: seriously relax, I'll finish the rest. He smiled.

I did as he requested and took a seat as I began drinking my tea.

Betty: did you sleep well last night? I asked him.
Fangs: perfect. He smiled.

I watched as he finished off breakfast and plated my food in front of me.

Betty: you sure know how to treat a girl right. I smirked. He smiled, a small blush covering his cheeks.

He's a sweetheart.

Betty: you know, I talked to Sweet Pea last night, about a few things. About him and I, you. I said.
Fangs: me? He asked worriedly. I nodded my head.
Betty: I know that you like Sweet Pea and I. I told him softly but I instantly saw fear cover his face.
Fangs: Betty I can explain- He started but I stopped him.
Betty: there's nothing to explain, we like you too. I said.
Betty: we want you to be apart of our relationship. I said.
Fangs: so Sweet Pea knows that I like you and isn't mad? He asked.
Betty: of course not. He likes you as much as I do. It's honestly really obvious to tell. I smiled.
Fangs: and you're okay with me being here? Apart of your relationship? He asked. I moved my hand so that it was resting on his.
Betty: like I said to Sweet Pea, as long as I get my usual amount of attention, I don't have any complaints. I smiled.
Fangs: thank you. He said.
Betty: nothing to thank me for. I told him.

This is something all three of us want.

Fangs: would it be okay if I kissed you, or is that to early? He asked worriedly.

His flirty attitude was replaced with clear worry, not wanting to push any boundaries.

Betty: of course. I smiled.

I leaned in and our lips connected, they were so similar to Sweet Pea's when I first met him.

Sweet Pea use to be the soft kissing type, now he's rough and gets straight to the point.

The kiss was slow but full of passion.

Sweet Pea: now that's fucking hot. He said, frightening us both.
Betty: thought I told you not to get out of bed without one of us helping you. And you know how much I hate being sacred. I said as I helped him to a chair.
Sweet Pea: sorry and sorry. He said.
Betty: you don't mean it. I smirked as I shook my head.

Sweet Pea: I'm guessing she told you? Fangs nodded his head.

I gave Sweet Pea some breakfast as I sat back down opposite him and next to Fangs.

Betty: it'll take some time to get use to this, but it'll work out. I smiled. They both nodded their heads.

Betty and her boys

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