Betty x Sweet Pea

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Kinda dominant and submissive... ish.

Betty POV:

I woke up to the most softest of kisses along my neck.

Betty: who said you could kiss me. I whispered, my eyes still closed.
Sweet Pea: sorry. He said as he layed his head back on his pillow.

Sweet Pea and I live a pretty interesting life, to say the least.

We're in a dominant and submissive relationship. I'm the dominant and he's my submissive.

We're only usually dominates and submissives during sex, the rest of the time we're what people would call normal.

Betty: come on big boy, kiss me. I said. He smiled and went back to kissing my neck.

His kisses drive me insane. It's like from him kissing my neck alone, I can feel it all over my body.

Betty: how'd you sleep petal? I asked.
Sweet Pea: great, how about you? He mumbled against my neck.
Betty: good. I hummed.
Betty: lips. I said.

He smiled and moved the focus of his lips to mine.

His lips moved feverishly along mine, like he had been waiting desperately for our lips to meet.

He stuck his tongue into my mouth and began exploring all of his favorite places.

Betty: yes baby. I moaned into his mouth.

He kissed me deeper and harder.

I slowly leaned out of the kiss and looked into his eyes.

Betty: breakfast. I said with a smirk. He let out a groan.
Sweet Pea: can't I just eat you for breakfast. He said as a smirk formed back onto his face.
Betty: no. I said as I booped his nose.
Sweet Pea: you're killing me. He said.
Betty: come on, get up and I'll make us some breakfast. I said as I kissed his cheek.

I got up in only Sweet Pea's shirt and walked into the kitchen.

I began putting some eggs and bacon into a pan as I put bread into a toaster.

I was half way through cooking breakfast when I felt his arms wrap around my waist.

Betty: I love you. I said as I couldn't help but feel so grateful for having him in my life.
Sweet Pea: I love you too Bub. He said as he began kissing at my neck harshly. I let out a chuckle and removed myself from his arms.
Betty: what's with you being so disobedient today. You no you'll have to get punished. I whispered into his ear.
Sweet Pea: fuck Betty, I just want you now. He said.
Betty: tonight, if you're lucky. I said as I kissed behind his ear.

I moved slowly to his ear and all across his face.

I left as his hands rested on my ass.

Betty: no touching. I whispered.

I began kissing down his neck, feeling all of his beautiful skin.

I looked at him in his eyes, letting my hand trail down his chest.

My hand arrived at his crotch, I slipped my hand into his pants and began touching him.

Sweet Pea: Betty. He groaned warningly.
Betty: who's the boss around here? I said sternly as I wrapped my hand around his cock and began making small motions up and down.
Sweet Pea: you. He said.
Betty: correct. Don't you forget it. I said.

I unzipped his pants and dropped to my knees.

I stroked his long cock as I watched his head fall back. He let out a groan and I stopped.

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