Chapter 392

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Long snowy eyelashes fluttered in response to the tickling of a gentle breeze. After a couple of minutes, a gorgeous set of silverish emerald reptilians emerged from underneath their delicate forms. Immediately, they were greeted with the sight of hundreds of blue-green leaves dancing under the moon's light. Beneath them, dozens of shimmery white branches stood out against the clear night sky. Thousands of small twinkling stars reminding their owner of the existence they had met not long ago. While lost within his records, a certain snake who had fainted due to the unexpected surge of divine power regained consciousness. His own gaze fully fixated on the enchanting form of the undisguised God of Love. Jaw gaping wide open in awe.

<Such a peaceful night. Wait- Am I outside? Why would my family leave me outside when I'm not at Amna's temple or back home in the Underground Palace?>

Sensing multiple mortals' presence nearby, the youth turned his head towards the strongest one. Stiffening up as soon as he made eye contact with the legend crazed fanatic.

<What the f***?! Clopeh?! There's no way he'd be able to break out of a Dragons' magically enhanced prison or shackles. Did someone help him escape? More importantly, where are my kids? Raon definitely snuck out earlier. He isn't crazy enough to hurt them to get to me, right?>

Upon noticing that the exalted existence was staring at him, the human slammed his forehead onto the ground. Prostrating himself before their unparalleled majesty.

"This lowly one greets Your Supreme Eminence, the Sovereign of all Love, Happiness and Sacrifice. May every single soul witness and sing praises about your splendor. Glory to you who shall purify all corruption, darkness and despair from this world."

Oranges, yellows and golds fought for dominance against vivid purples. Each one twisting and slithering in the air around the swordmaster as he was kneeling in a pit of serpents.

<Utterly terrifying.>

Ignoring the unnerving mortal currently worshiping him, the 20 years old expanded his divine presence to their surroundings. Hoping to discern the location the Guardian Knight had brought him to. At the same time, he was searching for any trace of his family who he knew would be desperately looking for him. To his surprise and relief, they hadn't yet left the boundaries of the Henituse Territory. In fact, they were still within the limits of Western City.

<Clopeh must have assumed that the slums here would be like they are in the Empire.>

Unintentionally, the corners of his mouth twitched in an attempt to form a smirk. It wouldn't be long before his family found him. Especially with the number of subordinates he had nearby.

<Should I just slack off until Papa gets here? Clopeh did provide me with a blanket and pillows to lie on. Plus the cool breeze is quite pleasant on my scales.>

Bright greens peeked through the hair covering the still bowed man's face. Observing the deity's every move and reaction. Even making note of how his breathtaking wings twitched in response to the other's unspoken emotions and thoughts. When they saw how relaxed the dignified entity was after realizing his situation, the white haired swordmaster concluded his actions had been correct. Liberation from Roan's manipulative clutches was exactly what his Lord wanted.

Just as the youth closed his eyes to take a nap, four blurs crashed into his chest from the sky above. Tiny fingers dug into his clothes while the youngest of children sobbed uncontrollably with their faces pressed up against him. Each one terrified and desperate to keep their father from disappearing. Causing a small, understanding smile to spread across his lips. Stroking his daughter's head, the God of Love reassured the young Dragons and Ensynthai.

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