Chapter 399

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AN: As we are about to conclude Part 2 of Two Stars Collide, I am amazed by the path this story has led me down over the last 2, almost 3, years. I am truly grateful to each and every one of you who has continuously supported me up until this point. I would not have been able to write this fanfic if not for your constant supportive comments and feedback. However, I am not oblivious to the fact that this story is complicated, long and at times upsetting for you readers. Yet I hope you will continue on this journey with me  as we move into Part 3. 

From all my heart, thank you everyone.


White light surged forth from the main atrium of the Henituse Estate. Announcing the anticipated return of the County's first young master and Roan's supreme commander. Eagerly, the mortals raced to greet their heroes. Although their speed couldn't even compare to that of either of the deity's siblings. Especially his sister who rushed forward and embraced the God of Love's waist as tight as she possibly could. Chuckling at his cute dongsaeng's behavior, the redhead lifted the 9 years old up into the air which surprised and delighted her. Wide blues sparkled with pure joy while their owner wrapped her arms around his neck.

"You were so cool when you cut the enemy's ship in half, Oraboni!"

<Ha— Have recordings of our last battle already reached here?>

-It would seem so.

-Technically it was more of a massacre than a battle.


Nods of agreement came from the steadily increasing crowd who heard her proud statement.

"I knew you were strong, but not that strong! Can you show me how you did that later?"

Before he could give her a reply, the Countesses arrived and hurried over to them. Briskly, his neatly dressed step mother retrieved her excited daughter from his arms. Freeing them so that the reincarnated Hunter could welcome her baby home. As she had expected, the deity was quickly pulled into an extremely tight hug by the older redhead.

"You're safe."

Returning the loving contact he always craved, the God of Love buried his face into the crook of his mortal mother's neck. The familiar scents of roses, cinnamon and ylang ylang permeated his senses. Increasing to the warm tingling sensation overflowing throughout his body. Soothing all lingering anxieties, rage and guilt from the earlier battle.

Upon seeing his dongsaeng was at last relaxing, the torture expert decided to go prepare him and the children some snacks. There was no doubt in his mind they would be hungry after all of their hard work. Plus it had been hours since his brother had a proper meal. Now that he was expecting his fated children, he needed to closely monitor his diet and nutrition intake. Unaware that he was being watched by a red-brown gaze, he attempted to sneak past the still embracing duo. Only to find himself suddenly pulled towards them. Startling him. Causing him to lower his guard long enough for the first Countess to entrap him in an unexpected, yet comforting hug.

"I'm so glad that both my boys are home."

Brown eyes widened and quaked in response to her affectionate wording. Since when was he her child? In a silent fluster, he tried to open his mouth to correct her. Except a powerful wave of suppressed emotions overwhelmed him. Breaking free like an unstoppable torrent. Immediately, he broke down into a series of sobs. Decades of sorrow, grief and despair spilling out within the tears quickly staining his cheeks. Marring her dress. Yet the noblewoman did not pull away.

Instead she smiled softly while reminiscing upon the first time she had encountered the father and son duo. It had been late at night when she found them dressed in worn out clothes. There was a heavy aura of gloom and rage. A strong presence of death came from the father which is why she had noticed them in the first place. Instinctively, the assassin had protectively stood in front of his son. Openly glaring in blatant distrust at her. However, it was his exceptional stealth ability that truly caught her attention. Because of it, she had decided to use her ancient power on them. Discovering that their souls' fate were both intertwined with her unborn child's own.

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