Chapter 394

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Without releasing his grasp on his fiance's wrist, the God of Love raced through the lower level of the dungeon. Due to the dark elf's quick thinking, he skillfully casted invisibility magic on them both as soon as they exited the Guardian Knight's prison cell. Enabling them to easily run past their enemies and the guards completely undetected. After a few minutes, the redhead at last slowed down. His gaze hastily searched for a place they could talk in private. A wide tree with surprisingly dense bushes surrounding its trunk. Each one reached up to the average height of a full grown man's chest. Pleased with his discovery, the youth guided a very curious mixed blood into the shadows of nature's protective enclosure.

<Clopeh should keep Papa, Hyung and the Dragons busy for a little while.>

Surprise appeared in the dark chocolate irises when their owner suddenly found his back up against the rough bark. Two warm arms swiftly embraced him as the 20 years old buried his face into the prince's neck. Breathing the familiar scent of sandalwood and rosewood. As if his future husband was seeking comfort from his presence. Did he miss him that much? Or was the events of the day prior just that stressful for him? Unable to stop the corners of his mouth from curling up into a smile, the dark elf tilted the other's chin up and kissed his darling fiance. To his delight, the other slid his hands up and wrapped them around his neck. Returning the kiss while relaxing even more into him. Out of the corner of his eyes, the brunet could see flowers popping into existence throughout the various greenery. Exposing his partner's happiness.

Steam slipped out from between the deity's lips when they finally separated their mouths. Even after his mouth received a mild burn, the Crown Prince of Roan did not push away his unusually clingy Moon. Instead he held him close until the other's need for him had been quelled. Totally unaware of how his life and future plans were about to change.

<Should I tell him the news now? He does deserve to know the truth. But what if he panics and runs away? Raising even just one baby God will be a challenge for a mortal. And I'll be having seven. Possibly eight if I decide to use the same method to save Faolan as I did in the potential future Entle and Kalani showed me.>

Nuzzling his nose against the dark elf's jaw, the God of Love couldn't help relishing the pleasant fuzzy sensation rapidly surging throughout his body. One which became even engrossing when his partner lovingly kissed his head. Making the 20 years old feel not only safe and adored but also calm. At that exact moment, he made up his mind.

<No. Alberu isn't a coward like Deruth. He won't abandon me.>

Shifting to the side slightly so he could intertwine their hands, the redhead peered up into his fiance's delicious dark chocolate depths and whispered.

"I'm expecting."

Wide eyes blinked in confusion as the prince tried to decipher the meaning of his words. What exactly was the God of Love expecting? Did he want more gold? A cookie? Or did he suspect that the enemy would soon arrive at the ocean boundary that the Whale Tribe was monitoring?


Their gazes met while the deity mimicked his step mother's action when she shared the news of his baby sister's existence with the Count. Placing their joined hands on his stomach.

"Seven, possibly eight eggs."

Immediately, bewilderment turned into a mixture of horror, excitement and alarm. How was this possible? It'd been two months since they had last been able to- Realization could be seen in his trembling pupils. Memories of that one night during their visit to the Mogoru Empire still vivid within his mind. Speedily, he stepped away from the tree as he processed the severity of the news he had just received. His fingers raked through his hair while he internally panicked.

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