Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

In front of me is the land like alopecia areata, the weeds cannot be connected together, the trees are tall, but their skins have been peeled off, revealing the yellowish trunks, only the high treetops still have a trace of green, but the trees without bark can It is conceivable that he will not live long.

This place looks like a virgin forest-or a virgin forest skinned by refugees from famine years.

Ye Zhou slapped himself.

Well, louder than he expected, and more painful.

It's the third day Ye Zhou has been here, and getting up in the morning to slap himself has become Ye Zhou's repertoire. It seems that as long as he does this, he can wake up from this bizarre dream and return to the normal world.

But failed again today.

The scenery in front of him remained unchanged.

Ye Zhou made a lot of assumptions. At first he thought he was crazy, he must have a mental problem and had hallucinations.

Later, he felt that there was only one possibility that was most likely to cause the current situation-he was captured by aliens for experiments.

Because not only did he come, but his supermarket was also moved here intact.

The most ridiculous thing is that the supermarket still has electricity, water, and even the Internet, but it cannot receive or send messages, and cannot contact anyone.

This is no longer explained by time travel, it can only be explained by the mysterious power from aliens.

After making sure that he couldn't "wake up" today, Ye Zhou returned to the supermarket.

If it comes, it will be safe. Ye Zhou has given up resistance and chose to lie flat.

Anyway, it is estimated that he will not starve to death when he dies.

As for food expiration? If he is not poisoned to death, he is considered powerful, but if he is poisoned to death, he is considered unlucky.

After eating two pieces of bread and filling a bottle of milk, Ye Zhou took the tablet and sat at the entrance of the supermarket to play games-you can play stand-alone games, and you can also charge them in the supermarket.

Ye Zhou felt that if he was always alone, his language function might decline after a long time, and his spirit might also have problems.

Robinson also met Friday, and Chuck also had Wilson.

But Friday is a person, and Wilson is a volleyball.

Ye Zhou felt that the chances of him meeting people should be low, but he didn't want to talk to the ball, so he took an intermediate value to see if he could catch wild birds and wild cats, and gave it a bite to eat, so it could talk to him. , can be regarded as fair trade, mutual benefit and reciprocity.

But in the past few days, Ye Zhou has never seen bird droppings, not to mention seeing birds.

He kind of knows what the real place is like.

At noon, Ye Zhou went into the supermarket again and ate a self-heating rice bowl.

Not to mention, these convenience foods are really well-made now, no worse than some takeaway rice bowls. Ye Zhou was still thinking when eating, maybe some takeaways are just cooking bags for direct use.

Cheap and convenient, tastes good and not poisonous.

Nutrition may not necessarily be there, but it is certainly not dead.

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