Chapter 61

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Chapter 61

It was already 4 o'clock in the afternoon when the disinfection was finished. Ye Zhou and Zou Ming made the bed together, and ate some food delivered by the volunteers. Zhou is really tired.

Ye Zhou originally wanted to go to bed directly. After all, the poison was gone and he had taken a bath. His whole body was clean and refreshed, which was the most suitable condition for sleeping. However, Zou Ming didn't seem to have the idea of ​​going to sleep at all.

Ye Zhou, who was sitting by the bed, looked at Zou Ming who was still doing push-ups, and asked incomprehensibly, "You are doing push-ups now, and you are sweating all over, how will you sleep later?" He was a little

disgusted .

Zou Ming panted and said, "Let the volunteers help fetch a basin of water later."

Ye Zhou nodded, lay back, with the big font facing up, staring at the ceiling, Zou Ming deliberately A low gasp.

It seems, it seems, there is a little bit of color.

"By the way, do you know Sarah well?" Ye Zhou was at a loss for words.

Zou Ming: "It's okay."

Ye Zhou smiled: "I always feel that you two knew each other before."

Zou Ming did not deny it: "We met before, but the relationship is not very good."

Ye Zhou: "The relationship is not good? Why didn't I See?"

Maybe it's because Zou Ming rarely gets along with Sarah alone? Or did the two seldom chat in front of Ye Zhou?

"What happened in the past..." Zou Ming slowed down, "I was immature at that time, and so was she."

At that time, Sarah did not have the appearance of a little princess now. Her blond hair was messy, dry and forked, and she was as thin as a skeleton. She always opened a pair of overly big, creepy eyes, like A bereaved dog, clutching the life-saving straw in its hand.

Anyone who gets close will rob her.

She is always nestled in Ye Zhou's arms, unwilling to go anywhere. Zou Ming still remembers that she regarded everyone except Ye Zhou as an enemy at that time. She was so weak that she couldn't even walk, but she still opened her teeth and claws. Attacking those who approached Ye Zhou.

But at that time, I was immature, and I was still a child, and I didn't know how many fights I had with Sarah.

Every time the two of them were both injured, Ye Zhou could only coax this one and that one.

The grievance and hatred that I felt I couldn't swallow at the time, now that I think about it, it turned out to be a past event many years ago.

Ye Zhou had a sudden thought: "Could you be childhood sweethearts?"

Zou Ming paused, stopped doing push-ups, his expression was extremely ugly: "I'm only twenty-two, and Sarah is over four hundred years old. She and I are childhood sweethearts?"

"...Sorry, I forgot my age." Ye Zhou smiled awkwardly.

"I now feel that it's a waste to hire a doctor." Ye Zhou sighed, "Zhou Yuanhe doesn't have much work to do."

Although he is not Zhou Baopi, the employees always have nothing to do, and it feels a bit disadvantageous when you think about it.

Zou Ming: "Let Yang Guoqin find a place and open a clinic for him. You will provide the medicine and equipment. If you earn money, you will only pay him a basic salary. You will not consider sharing until you earn back the money for the medicine and equipment."

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