Chapter 82

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Chapter 82

Leaving again, Ye Zhou took Sarah and Zhou Yuanhe with him, while Chen Shu was left in the supermarket.

There is no way, he has to leave a force to take charge. Although the possibility of encountering danger at the bottom of the cliff is very low, it is always necessary to take precautions. With Chen Shu, if she is really in danger, she can quickly teach How do the employees in the supermarket use guns.

--The aim is not important, the important thing is to deter the enemy with the gun.

As long as the enemy's brains are good, they will not use cold weapons to fight hot weapons.

With a portable tent, sleeping at night is no longer a torture. This new tent fabric is soft, breathable, flexible and strong, not only not stuffy, but also prevents insects and ants from crawling in.

They walked for two days, manipulating the drone to places they hadn't explored before, and supplemented the map of the vicinity.

There is really only one piece of land in this place, and the rest are undeveloped virgin forests.

It is estimated that there is a large gap between the territory and the territory, there are no perfect roads, and the commerce is not developed. The lord may have acquainted merchants who send spices, salt, and cloth. Bartering, currency is more symbolic than practical for them.

People's lives are very poor. The salt and pottery they need must be exchanged with the lord for food.

All are farmers by identity, and none have any other occupation.

As the only local aborigine in this group, Kane became the "team leader" and was responsible for explaining everything here.

During the meal, Kane said to Ye Zhou: "The manor in my family was awarded to my father by the lord. He used to be the lord's knight. Because of his military exploits, the lord rewarded my father with a piece of land."

Ye Zhou was a little curious: "If your father dies, who will inherit the manor? Will your brothers share it equally?"

Kane shook his head: "There will only be one heir, and it should be my elder brother."

Ye Zhou: "What about you?"

Kane: "My sisters may marry knights or low nobles with a large dowry, and my brothers and I will be sent to the church, or become knights, and if we are lucky, we will also get The lord's reward is to have your own manor."

Kane lowered his head, this is the life he had longed for, having his own manor and buying some good horses for his children.

Then he has a group of slaves who work for him.

But after becoming a slave, he no longer thought so.

Why are there slaves? What exactly is a slave? They are all human beings, but why are some born nobles and others slaves?

Is this really God's will?

The Moon God is willing to save the slaves, but people are constantly oppressing their compatriots, wishing that everyone except themselves is their own slaves.

Ye Zhou looked at Kane's profile, and he could guess what Kane was thinking.

He was a little curious about how a person who once belonged to the oppressive class would change his state of mind after experiencing drastic changes in his family and life.

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