Chapter 152

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Chapter 152

After the carnival at the beginning of the opening, the farmers have exchanged all their savings, and the business of the supermarket has returned to deserted.

The employees also started to do nothing. Although Ye Zhou was in a hurry, he had no choice but to wait.

Many young people nearby bought a batch of goods from the supermarket and sold them in nearby big towns.

Compared to Ye Zhou who led people around like headless chickens, after careful consideration, he still felt that the locals knew the locals best.

The regular employees are very used to the days when the business is deserted, they have experienced many planes, and when the business is good, there are only a few.

It's just that once the business gets better, one person has to break it into three.

So even if there is nothing to do now, they will not worry about being fired, let alone being useless.

But the temporary workers have not experienced it. For them, the deserted business means that the supermarket no longer needs so many employees.

Not needing so many employees means someone will be fired.

Even Ye Zhou, who didn't deal with temporary workers very much, noticed their anxiety.

And this is only the second day when business has just cooled down.

"Please come in." Ye Zhou was closing his eyes to rest his mind and was about to take a nap when he was woken up by a sudden knock on the door.

Feng Ling walked in from the door, and before she entered, she glanced at Zou Ming who was standing by the door with his back against the wall.

Feng Ling felt strange, but it was not easy to ask, so she could only suppress her doubts. She walked to the sofa and watched Ye Zhou sit up from the sofa.

Ye Zhou reached out and rubbed his face, but he still felt a little listless.

"What's the matter? Tell me." Ye Zhou walked to the cabinet, "I'll make a cup of coffee, would you like it?"

Feng Ling: "No, I'm quite refreshed now."

"They're arguing." Feng Ling , "I originally wanted to tell them about my dismissal today, but before I went over, I found that they were arguing. Before I came, they looked like they were about to fight." Feng Ling asked: "

Boss , we don't care about this?"

The quarrels were all men, and Feng Ling didn't really want to intervene out of selfishness.

But after all, they are all employees of Ye Zhou, so they have to tell Ye Zhou no matter what.

Ye Zhou rubbed his temples, took a sip of coffee without haste, and then said in a slightly hoarse voice: "Don't worry, if they really beat them, it would be better to dismiss them." Feng Ling nodded: "Okay

. She

stood aside, and finally couldn't hold back her gossip: "Boss, brother Zou has been standing at the door, did you quarrel?"

Ye Zhou blew on the hot coffee, his brows were slightly frowned, but he said, "No Arguing, forget it, I'll go out with you to have a look."

The sip of coffee still failed to reach Ye Zhou's mouth.

He walked in front, pushed open the door of the lounge, and saw Zou Ming just as he stepped out.

Ye Zhou didn't dodge deliberately, nor did he run away, but asked in a soft voice: "Is today better?"

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