Chapter 95

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Chapter 95

The warm wind was blowing from nowhere, and if he hadn't remembered the ice and snow before falling asleep, Chen Yan would almost have thought that he had already returned to the mansion in the capital, lying by the wood-burning stove.

He turned his head and stared at Chen Hou who was lying not far from him, the heart hanging in his throat finally eased a little.

Since he didn't kill them and cleaned up the house for them, there should be no malice.

It's just that this place... is so strange that Chen Yan was so dizzy that he couldn't think of any clues.

Nowadays, there are constant conquests and frequent wars between countries, and the kings of all countries have the act of recruiting talents, and I don't know how many "outsider experts" have emerged.

Could it be that they met a real one?

Chen Yan recalled what the man said yesterday that this place is within the territory of Chen State.

There are indeed continuous mountains at the border of Chen State, but at the beginning of the founding of Chen State, the Marquis of Chen went down to build the pass behind the mountains. There are constant beasts, and the land is not considered fertile.

The people inside the pass will not leave the pass, and the barbarians outside the pass will not set foot here.

If it weren't for this strange house at this time, they might really die here.

Even if it is not winter, and the weather is sunny and sunny, it may take more than a month to go from here to the pass.

Chen Yansi couldn't help but rejoice after thinking about this.

"Woke up so soon?"

Chen Yan looked towards the door, and a slender woman came in with a water glass. Her clothes were the same as the strange woman I saw yesterday, except that her hair was shorter. There is no softness, and the steps are similar to those of men.

Chen Yan struggled to stand up, the woman hurriedly said: "Don't be so polite, although you have no necrosis on your body, but you have frostbite, you need to rest for a while before you can recover your mobility, drink some hot water, if you are hungry, I will go Bring you something to eat."

The woman put the water glass on the low table beside the bed, Chen Yan looked at her profile, and saw that her skin was white and creamy, she looked like a queen, but she acted like a countryman Woman, it really made him unable to discern the identity of this woman.

"Dare to ask girl, I don't know where the master is here? The grace of saving life is unforgettable, Yan wants to pay a visit in person." Chen Yan raised his hands and was about to salute, but the woman said: "You can't see it, but your lord can see it. "

Chen Yan was puzzled: "Why is this?"

The woman smiled and said, "You can figure it out for yourself."

Then she went to the side to look at Chen Hou's injuries. , and Chen Hou is the king of a country. It is estimated that he stayed in the palace before leading the army this time. He has not practiced much. His body is already weak. He was urged by the cold wind and now has a high fever.

If fever-reducing medicines don't help, you'll need an infusion.

Chen Yan watched the woman put her hand into Chen Hou's clothes, and he was so frightened that he immediately said: "Girl, no!" As soon as

he finished speaking, he saw that the woman had already taken out her hand, and there was an extra hand in her hand. Slender things.

This thing didn't look like a needle, the shell was transparent, he didn't know what it was for a moment.

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