Chapter 77

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Chapter 77

The person in the light has only a dark silhouette, but his body is outlined by the light, forming a thin and tall figure.

Even if he couldn't see his face and didn't know where he came from, everyone would kneel down willingly.

It is God who possesses power that man does not have.

Ye Zhou watched the chief officer and the slaves kneel down to him, feeling very calm.

Inexplicably, he thought of the first time he saw Cao'er, mother and daughter. They struggled, knelt down to him, and kowtowed to him, even if they knocked themselves out.

What he saw in their faces was the desire to live.

That instinctive, violent and savage desire to survive.

And on the faces of these people, what he saw was a kind of ambition that made him unwavering, a desire to get more from him, and a greedier desire.

Cao'er's mother and daughter shocked him, made him sympathize, and made him unable to help reaching out.

And these people made him feel sick.

He raised his foot.

The lord's forehead was pressed against the ground, and the tip of his nose smelled of earth, with the smell of rotting leaves, but he felt that the smell was particularly good, better than the most expensive spices.

A figure landed on top of his head, and after seeing it out of the corner of his eye, the lord couldn't help but tremble all over his body, every piece of flesh was dancing.

"Are you the lord here?" A strange voice sounded in the lord's ear.

The voice is very soft, but the accent is very weird, but it doesn't make people feel unpleasant, on the contrary, it makes people feel that such a statement is correct and correct.

The lord swallowed, and said with a trembling voice: "My respected, great, true God from the moon, I am Ryan Kadir, your most devout believer, your most loyal slave, your shepherd, I I will give everything for you."

There was no reply, the lord was terrified, but he didn't dare to look up, so he could only continue to kneel on the ground without moving.

After an unknown amount of time, until the sweat on Ryan's face fell into the dirt, he heard the strange male voice again: "Whose land is this?" Ryan is not stupid, he thinks he is a smart person, maybe more

than His Majesty the King was a little worse, but he was much smarter than other nobles. He immediately said: "This is your land! Not only here, but all the land on this continent is yours!" "I will immediately let

people Build a palace for you!" Ryan couldn't stop talking, and he continued, "We must decorate with the best gems, pave the floor with the most gorgeous furs, and..." He wished he could give

all the luxury items he knew to Stuffed into the "palace".

After Ryan finished speaking, he heard a chuckle.

That laughter made his heart suddenly loosen-Lord Moon God accepted him.

Ryan didn't think there was anything wrong. People who serve gods must use their entire wealth, heart and soul to serve them. Only by suffering can they get the favor of the gods. Otherwise, they will be favored by the gods without doing anything. The favor of the gods It's just too cheap.

When he has dedicated enough and is pitiful enough, the gods will let him live forever.

From now on, he will no longer be trapped in the territory, not even the whole continent can trap him.

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