Chapter 173

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Chapter 173

The yellow sand is long, and the car with only the skeleton can accommodate two people, one driving and the other holding a gun.

They wear face towels to prevent yellow sand from pouring into their noses while driving.

The modified "skeleton" car drove by, raising yellow sand all over the sky.

In the first car, half of the man's body protruded from the almost non-existent roof, with a machine gun on his back and a binoculars with cracked lenses in his hand.

"Is there any water?" The man tore off his towel and shouted at the driver.

The driver put one hand on the steering wheel, put the other hand under the seat, took out a bottle, shook it, and shouted, "It's gone!" "

Boss used a lot of ice last night." The driver suddenly said.

The man lowered his head, kicked the driver on the back, and cursed in a bad tone: "What do you mean? You are wrong to call the boss?"

The driver stopped talking and drove in silence.

The man patted his head.

There is not even enough water to drink, and it is impossible to have water to bathe. Except for those powerful people in the base, everyone, regardless of gender, will shave their heads, and wipe off the oil with a handkerchief, even if there is no water, they can't wipe it off So clean, but at least it's better than having hair.

"I haven't seen anyone for so long." The man took out a cigarette from his pocket. He stuffed the cigarette into his mouth without lighting it. India, just like this is not willing to ignite.

The man picked up the binoculars and looked around, but still saw nothing but yellow sand.

The convoy just moved forward in the raised yellow sand.

The sky was getting dark, and just as the man opened his mouth to say something, he suddenly shouted, "Stop!"

The driver stepped on the brakes immediately, and the man picked up the binoculars with trembling hands. There was a square building not far in front of him. It was not high, and even had only one floor. The signboard, the white light tube is particularly conspicuous at night.

"Longsheng Supermarket..." the man murmured, "Supermarket?!"

He swallowed.

He clearly remembered that there was nothing here, but there used to be a base, but it had been taken down by them and completely abandoned, and now only the wreckage that had been completely burned by fire could be seen in the past.

"Brother Yang!" The people behind shouted, "There seems to be light in front!"

There is only one telescope.

Yang Hao turned his head and shouted: "Drive that way! Be careful, shoot first when you see someone!" The people

in the car behind responded immediately: "I know!"

Their faces showed excited smiles, and the corners of their mouths almost grinned. When it reached the ears, the eyes were red on the fanatical face.

The resources of the base have become scarce these days, and they have been gearing up to grab a big ticket.

They don't produce anything, they only know how to plunder, but they are safe because of this. Most of the production bases have disappeared, and the few bases that can still maintain production are all stronger than theirs.

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