Chapter 80

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Chapter 80

Lying on the bed in the lounge, Ye Zhou felt that this single bed was so comfortable to sleep on for the first time.

Nearly ten days of eating and sleeping outside made Ye Zhou very satisfied with his current life.

People really have to suffer to realize what they have before.

Ye Zhou even felt that his reincarnation posture was very good. Otherwise, if he was thrown into this place and became a slave, he would not meet someone like himself who came to play tricks from other planes.

After resting for a day, Ye Zhou got up early the next day, had breakfast first, then exercised with Zou Ming, learned some martial arts, and took a shower every day before watching the computer.

Ye Zhou searched for a while in the "Unlocked Device" column before finally finding a few lines of small words.

[Default unlocked device]:

System Mall (unlocked)

Unlimited Water, Electricity (unlocked)

Dimension Box (unlocked)

Garbage Disposal System (unlocked)

Ye Zhou sat in front of the computer, and he began to doubt himself deeply-this The few lines were small, but not completely invisible, so why hadn't he spotted these default devices before?

Although only the dimensional box needs to be actively used among these default devices, you can at least know it after seeing it.

Before, Ye Zhou wondered where the garbage in the trash bin went.

The garbage from the previous day will disappear from the trash can the next day. Although I know in my heart that it must be processed by the system, knowing in my heart and the system marking it are two different things.

"Am I blind?" Ye Zhou looked at his face reflected in the darkened screen.

But after a few seconds of self-doubt, he put the matter behind him and began to explore the system carefully.

The system page is still rudimentary. Perhaps because of its rudimentary, some small characters like "manual" have been ignored by Ye Zhou.

He began to read the small print carefully to prevent himself from being distracted, and he even whispered it out.

Ye Zhou also wrote some important information in the notepad.

After he finally read all the fine print and let out a long sigh of relief, Feng Ling knocked on the door of the lounge.

"Come in." Ye Zhou turned off the computer.

Feng Ling came in with a cup of tea. She was used to the life in the supermarket and made friends. She seemed much more relaxed than when she first came here.

"Boss." Feng Ling put the teacup on the table. Instead of sitting down, she stood up and said, "Yesterday you said that Kane would come to see you today."

Ye Zhou leaned on the back of the chair, rubbed the Qingming acupoint and asked: "I almost forgot, let him come to me in half an hour, by the way, don't use honorifics to me."

Feng Ling smiled: "I'm used to it."

She couldn't help but said: "Kane's The back is much better now, although it can't be straight, but it's much better than before."

Ye Zhou nodded: "That's a good thing."

Feng Ling said: "Kain wants to stay here."

She has been here all this time. After taking care of Kane for a long time, of course she has developed feelings, and she also hopes that Kane can stay.

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