Chapter 115

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Chapter 115

    After being busy for nearly half a month, the employees in the supermarket were finally able to take a breather.

    In the past half a month, the supermarket did not receive any dignitaries. The dignitaries and businessmen came to the door several times, and even brought their slaves to drive away the long queues of people. The two sides even almost broke out in fights several times.

    Originally, the common people's fear of the rich and powerful disappeared in front of the food. If it were not for Zou Ming and the others, it is estimated that several powerful and powerful people would be in trouble.

    But Ye Zhou didn't sell any other agricultural products except rice, millet and various beans.

    People in Linzi have money in their hands and food in their homes. The people in Linzi suddenly started big purchases. They were too poor and poor enough. They were afraid that the price of food and goods would rise again soon, so they were unwilling to save any more. Money, I am more willing to spend the money and exchange it for necessities and food.

    This not only brought benefits to the merchants, but also bulged the wallets of nearby farmers. Now there are hawkers in the streets and alleys of Linzi. They spend most of their time farming in the countryside, fishing for fish, or making sauce, and carrying them to the city. Sell.

    Although it can only benefit Linzi City now, if the people in the royal city of a country can't survive, then other places will only be worse.

    The consumption of the people in Wangcheng will drive the economic income of the surrounding farmers.

    As for places farther away, we have to wait for the autumn harvest.

    As long as no tax is collected after the autumn harvest this time, the people of Chen State will live a prosperous life this winter.

    If the tax is not collected next fall, or for three consecutive years, the food price will drop a lot, but the people's life will improve, and the price will gradually become normal and stable.

    In order not to send food to other countries in the future, the most important thing Chen Hou needs to do now is to stabilize the domestic situation, suppress the noble families who disagree with him, promote his cronies, and find ways to develop Chen's military power.

    "Boss, let's have hot pot tonight." Chen Shu walked into the lounge, holding a plate of washed grapes and cherries in her hand, put the plate on the table and said to Ye Zhou: "How long are we going to stay here? Have you earned enough money?"

    Ye Zhou shook his head, he had a headache: "Recently, his income has decreased a lot."

    In order to distribute food to the common people, they haven't done business with powerful businessmen for a long time, and the less money they earn, the more employees spend. More strength and energy.

    Although Ye Zhou didn't regret it - he was willing to show kindness to the people here.

    But he also felt that the speed was too slow.

    It is impossible for him to wait for Chen Guo to become strong before leaving. If he really wants to wait for Chen Guo to become strong, it is impossible to wait ten or twenty years.

    Even ten or twenty years may not necessarily make him stronger, unless he sells weapons of mass destruction to Chen Hou immediately.

    Chen Shu also didn't understand: "If you want Chen Guo to be strong, why don't you just sell some guns and bullets to Chen Hou."

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