Chapter 126

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Chapter 126


Young goblins run across the open plains.

He was only wearing a pair of tattered shorts, and his whole body was covered with bruises. He could hear the wind and the whirling of grass blades, besides his own panting and heartbeat.

After running for an unknown amount of time, the goblin tripped over a stone and fell to the ground.

This pounce made the tireless goblin lose his last strength. He turned over in the grass, raised his hand involuntarily, and looked at the yellow sun and blue sky above his head through his fingers.

He only looked at it for a while, then covered his eyes with his raised hand, and let out a low whimper, as if crying, but the corners of his mouth were curled up.

He's out! He escaped!

No limbs were broken, nor was he caught up, starting today, he is free!

The goblin casually pulled a piece of grass from his side, put it in his mouth and slowly got up while chewing.

He stood up, patted the mud on his buttocks, looked around blankly, waited for a while, and then walked towards the direction of the sun.

Just walk forward like this, drink water in the mud pit like animals when you are thirsty, and find some wild fruits and plant roots when you are hungry.

The goblin didn't know where he was going, let alone where he was, and he only dared to go around the village when he saw it occasionally.

Occasionally, he could also see the slaves being escorted.

There will be his people in it.

But he didn't dare to go over, he just took a look at it from a distance.

Sometimes when passing through the woods, he could see traces of human activities, but the goblins didn't look for them. Living in such a deep mountain and old forest, thinking about it, he knew that he was not much different from him, and it was impossible to take him in.

Occasionally, the goblin will stay in one place for a while, and when he sees only one house around, he will carefully beg for some food and clean water.

He traveled many places, saw slave goblins who were whipped like him once, and also saw a decent goblin master served by elves.

It was the first time for him, who had been a slave since he was a child, that not all goblins were slaves.

After walking for an unknown number of days, the goblin stopped at the edge of a city. He wanted to find a place to stay. The household registration check was not strict, so he could find a job and a place to eat.

He circled around here several times, and finally chose a small town.

The city is not big, and the city walls are short - the low walls mean that the city has not fought a war for many years, and the forest outside the city is dense. These days, goblins live on mushrooms and fungi, even if they cannot be found in the city. Work, go for a walk in the woods, and not starve to death.

He would also observe from high places and found that there are many races living in this city, unlike other towns, there is usually only one race, and the other races are servants and slaves. He can see the people living in small buildings Goblins can also see elves flapping their wings for business.

Such a place is so beautiful that the goblin thinks he is hallucinating.

Everyone living in this town seems to be living an equal and good life.

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