Chapter 111

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Chapter 111

    After renting the house, the supermarket was closed for three days. All the employees were busy repairing the damaged parts of the house and moving things like sofas and chairs. electrical appliances.

    The solar generator can only be used by Ye Zhou, it cannot be sold, and the price is not cheap.

    But because it is convenient, and the power generation speed is faster than solar energy, and it is not affected by the weather, Ye Zhou still bought it.

    He is very numb when spending money now, and he can't even tell whether something is expensive or cheap. It looks very poor here. After all, there is nothing you want. Sugar and salt are luxuries.

    Even Chen Hou has never tasted salt without bitterness.

    But they are very rich, and the things they own are extremely valuable in this era.

    A set of jade ornaments can be worth hundreds of thousands, or even millions.

    But people are very "cheap", a slave is only worth one gold, and they must be young and strong male slaves.

    However, there are not many slaves in Linzi, because there is no hard work, so even if there is a slave trade, the market is not big.

    And the slaves who came to Linzi were already considered "lucky". If they were lucky, they would be bought by the family. Although they worked hard and would not have a rest day, at least they could eat more, which was much better than following the slave master.

    In addition, Ye Zhou felt that the most amazing thing was that a businessman gave him a gift.

    And still without telling others, he went directly to the door of the house where he lived.

    Cao'er also felt strange when he came in to report: "He said he has something to ask the immortal."

    Ye Zhou was very confused, but still said: "Let him in."

    Soon, Ye Zhou saw the businessman who was going to give him a gift. The businessman was wearing an indigo blue dress and his hair was combed meticulously. It made people worry that his hairline would move back in a short time.

    Ye Zhou sat on a chair. The businessman saluted respectfully when he came in, and then knelt down on the mat in front of Ye Zhou after getting permission.

    The businessman flattered Ye Zhou first, boasting from his appearance to his figure, and then from his figure to his ability. After talking nonsense for nearly 20 minutes, he finally revealed his reason for coming: "I came here to bother you this time. There is an important matter, please turn your back to the left and right first..."

    Ye Zhou winked at Zou Ming and Sarah who were standing next to him.

    Both of them left the room without saying anything.

    "Come on, what's the matter?" Ye Zhou picked up his teacup, and he was ready to listen to the other party's nonsense for another 20 minutes.

    But this time the businessman didn't talk nonsense, but went straight to the point: "I was entrusted by the king of Wei, and I want to invite you to join Wei."

    Ye Zhou almost spit out a mouthful of tea, but he remained calm on the surface, and he did enough " He looked like a master", he asked: "The king of Wei is thousands of miles away, how does he know me? Even if he knows me, no matter how fast a horse is, it probably can't run back and forth in such a short time?" The merchant quickly said:

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