Chapter 184

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Chapter 184

Just before dawn, the boy got up from the bed and stayed here for nearly two months. He seemed to have gotten used to everything here.

He put on his slippers and went to the bathroom. He would wake up naturally at this point every day. The word sleepy has nothing to do with him. As long as he opens his eyes, he must be awake like a wolf.

After washing his face and brushing his teeth, he heard the familiar sound of the door opening, which made him nervous for a moment.

As soon as the adult man came in, the bathroom, which was originally quite large, suddenly became much smaller.

The boy lowered his head and waited quietly until he put a hand on his head and rubbed it gently before he raised his head.

The man with a messy sleeping hair smiled at him through the mirror: "You wash first, I'll wait for you outside."

This conversation happened every morning, and the boy shook his head: "I'm done washing, you can use it."

Ye Zhou Looking at the glasses, he was amused by himself with the chicken-nest head, and he pulled his hair: "It's time to cut it."

He used to trim it every month, but he was lazy in the past two months. Ye Zhou's hair grew fast, and now it's directly under the ears. Ye Zhou stroked his hair from the forehead to the back of his head. This time he looked in the mirror again, and he thought this hairstyle was a bit handsome.

The boy left the bathroom while Ye Zhou was admiring himself.

He walked to the living room as usual, and at this time, Cao'er also prepared breakfast.

Cao'er's skills are limited, after all, she doesn't have the time to learn like Aunt Li, so all she cooks is simple breakfast.

For example, sandwiches and omelettes, buns, etc., were all wrapped by Gu Li and asked her to steam them in the wok, and they were ready to eat.

"Drink a glass of milk first." Seeing the boy come out, Cao'er put down her work and brought out a glass of fresh milk first.

The fairy said that milk is nutritious, and drinking a cup every day is good for the boy, so Cao'er poured milk for the boy every day without the fairy's instructions.

After the boy obediently drank a glass of milk, he went to help Cao'er take out the things in the kitchen.

After breakfast was brought out, Sarah got up too.

Sarah yawned and went to the bathroom. There were two bathrooms in this house. Ye Zhou and the boy used the one in the master bedroom, and the two girls used the one outside. When she came out, everyone was already sitting at the dining table.

During breakfast, Ye Zhou would look at Zou Ming from time to time.

Sometimes Ye Zhou felt like he had raised a son, and because he first met the adult version of Zou Ming, the feeling was even weirder.

The boy was also used to Ye Zhou's gaze, he knew why Ye Zhou was looking at him.

--Because for a while he was reluctant to eat and always wanted to save the food. It was Ye Zhou who stared at him and told him to finish his portion.

After breakfast, Cao'er went to work, and Sarah went back to catch up on sleep.

Ye Zhou gave Zou Ming a cultural lesson first.

The so-called cultural class, that is, a Chinese class and a math class, nothing else has been taught, and there is no need to learn English.

After all, English is not needed on this plane, and there will be translators for future work on the plane.

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